So I already have had my first question so yay!I was asked by @asexual-as-fudge on how aces deal with haters or people that don't understand.
Well, I'll tell you the first thing.
It is not easy.
Especially if they are family members or close friends who you know should love you unconditionally and support you and your lifestyle no matter what, well, unless you're a murderer or alcoholic or something along those lines...
Aces deal the hate in a different way than other peoples in LGBT+ however it's still the same as hate as still hate. There's things along the lines of "you? An asexual? You have to have sec in order to live! How are we going to have grandchildren if you won't settle down and find someone and give yourself down children?!"
There's just so much hate.
How do aces deal?
Well, you don't. It's hard and it hurts because they're supposed to support you and love you for who you are. Sometimes it takes time to accept that, sometimes it never comes.
There are people who will tear you down for who you are. There are people who will outright not accept you. But you can get away, ignore them, find safe spaces, find people who do care and love you for yourself.
Hearts can change. Maybe with some convincing, maybe with a story of your life and how you feel written in a letter or some form. People can change. People can love and accept you. Maybe even if it's the hard way.
But dealing with the hate cannot last forever. They can accept it, deal with it, or they can leave.And I'm sorry for anyone who's ever had to deal with this. I have to because me especially. I have not told my family I'm like this and they won't know for awhile either. I've told my mother. I went to confront my mother several times but she keeps putting it off and pretends like that part of me doesn't exist.
However, not trying to make this about me. This is toward my asker.
Anyways... haters may say what they want to say but don't let them label you or let that define you. You're human. You're you. Don't let them affect you that way. The only thing that matters is how you feel and what you think of yourself.