Tbh I am not a big fan of kissing or making out. I'm just not. I don't really understand why. I don't find it as exciting or fun or anything really. I just think of it as an activity.Maybe it's because of all the people I've ever made out with really suck at it. Or I'm that fucking asexual. I prefer cuddling anyways.
However, I do like neck kisses?? But, apparently, not from guys. Like One time from like a year or two ago I asked my boyfriend to do it with me, and it was meh. But the thing is, me and my best friend give platonic kisses to each other. We're basically sisters. But when she gave me a neck kiss it was like whoA wHat iS thIs?!???!?! It was like a totally new feeling. And now I'm just unsure and confused about s lot of things right now.
Like, no way am I interested in kissing or making out. That I do know. But what about neck kisses? Is that what I have to ask for now when dating? "Nah man, let's just neck kiss." Like wtf?? Isn't that just weird? I'm utterly confused right now. I need help.
Kissing is weird. . .