What's better than sex?Loads of things!
Ice cream
Foot rubs
Good music with awesome guitar riffs
Getting into bed with clean sheets and shaved legs
Hot showers
Hot tea on rainy nights with your favorite book
A really good steak
Tax refunds
A massage
A seriously good back scratching
Seeing your pets jump on you with love when you get home from a hard day
Jumping in the perfect temperature pool water
Fluffy bread that has a sweet taste
Warm bubble baths
Really good music that's eargasmic
Cute animals
When your crush laughs at your joke
Naps under a warm blanket
Removing your socks after a long day
Digging your toes in the sand at the beach
Laughing with your friends
Disney movies
Netflix (without the chill)
Cheese fries
Fresh cookies out of the oven
Burying yourself in warm laundry
Anything with "free food" in the sentence
When someone says they'll pay for you
Waking up and realizing you still have time to sleep
PRESSURE WASHING ( so satisfying to wash I swear)
Taking your bra off at the end of a long day
Honestly, anything.