I hate when people say "when you meet the right partner you'll want kids!" no. I do not want kids. I want to pursue my career and travel and not have to worry about another person. Not in a horrible way, but it'd be a shitty life for them. so no. I don't want kids.The world is way too populated as it is. And just think of the guilt you have to endure knowing that you brought a being into this cruel unjust world to be mocked, thrown out by some, abandoned by some, to get there heartbroken and battered until they hate your very core for causing them so much pain.
Not everyone is meant to be a parent. It is not sad, there is nothing wrong with them to think about not having children and they shouldn't be thought of anything less for thinking so. All we got to do is respect it.
Why is it such a big battle? Like oh you want kids. Cool! Oh you don't? Cool! Instead, everyone is just insulting other people's decisions. Live your life for you. That can include kids, that can also not include kids. Damn. Everyone needs to calm down and butt out. As much as you don't like people insulting your decision/preference, insulting theirs is just as bad.
I don't think it's selfish to not want kids at all, whether it's for medical reasons or just because. What I DO think is selfish is when people pressure others into "You don't want kids? HOW will you fulfill yourself?!"
I think I will fulfill myself just fine, thanks. I'd rather tour the rather lovely countries and not having to worry about getting a sitter for the kids. Not to mention, I can hardly take care of myself, why on earth would I want to take care of someone else?
Want kids, don't want kids. Who cares? It's your life. Do what you want. Plus you know. Over population is definitely a thing that needs to be avoided, so yeah.
Asexuals, bitch!
But not all asexuals don't want children. Some do, some don't.