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Yay! I received my first message, and I just want to say thank you for your input and questions. That has been replied to in the private message, and the user didn't mind if I shared it with you guys, so I gladly decided that I was going to. And that I am. This is an important topic that should be discussed with immediately, and that is why I'm doing so now.

This can lead to a rather touchy subject, I suppose. Something we all deal with. Something everyone faces nearly on a daily basis, and that is hate. Yes, hate. Something we shouldn't even THINK about. We should be loving and caring, and be compassionate towards others. People just can't do that. And that's because of the world we live in today. Just the hate, judgement, and corruption. There's so much of it now.

And I understand. Sometimes people are confused. They don't know. They're scared of the truth or don't even want the truth. They're afraid of this generation and what's happening. LGBT pride? Trump for President? God? Hell? Society? The government?

All these things... People are scared of. To be honest, I'm scared of Hell too, but that doesn't mean things like that don't exist. And Trump? I'm really scared. But that's besides the point.

What is happening now is important. Not the future. Not the past. But the present.

The thing is, haters don't understand, so that's why, you know, hate. By doing that it makes them feel better by saying hurtful things or doing something really inappropriate to make you feel bad for yourself. It's okay if you get upset, or mad, or just plain angry. That's understandable.

But the truth is you just got to remind yourself that they don't know the truth in general. They honestly have no clue what they're talking about. No one knows you more than yourself. And that's the truth. They think they know you or what's best for you, but they don't. I know it doesn't seem like meaningless words and it hurt a lot, but just remember that they're just people who think they know everything.

If it's a family member, tell them you feel about their actions and that it really hurt your feelings. Or if it's more online, you can block/report them for saying hurtful things. That's one problem solved, at least. Think about your happiness. That's what matters. Everyone deserves to be happy.

Think of the people around you. Friends, family, anyone that you have in your heart. The important people in your life. The memories you shared and everything in this moment. I hope this helps. Whatever you're going through. Whatever it may be. They'll be for you. And if not, I'll be for you. No matter what. We're all in this together.

A.N/: if you have any questions, thoughts, or opinions, please message me! I will gladly listen to you and your problems, or if you just want to talk. I'm here if you need someone to listen to you. If you need any advice whatsoever. Don't be afraid to speak up.

ALSO, I love you all and you're all beautiful! You're completely valid. You're worth more than the stars in the sky. Keep smiling your dazzling smile. Your happiness is important.

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