HAPPY NATIONAL COMING OUT DAY!I never actually came out yet, but I think I will soon. I'm not sure when though. My mom posted something really homophobic on Facebook the other day and it honesty has gotten me down because of it. I don't know if I even will until I move out. Or just tell them like it is like ripping off a bandaid.
I don't know how well that would work...
My dad already took away my phone because I had an LGBT app on my phone.
I don't know what to do.
Maybe I'll show you guys my coming out letter soon. It's two pages long. Yeah, that sounds like a good idea. I'll show you my letter and you guys can give me your input.
It sucks when parents say such homophobic things. Like, I'm right here.
"Hey! I'm gay! Careful what you guys say because YOUR child is GAY AS FUCK!"
I just want to tell them the truth so they can really think about what they say next time about us gays and aces and people apart of the LGBT community.
I don't know what would happen though. I know they love me, but what if they don't accept me and support me because this is apart of me? I'm terrified. Is that too much to ask for? Acceptance? Support? Not to mention, downgrading my sexuality is practically downgrading me as a person and my existence.
Also as to mention, we were talking about tattoos today and I told my mother that if I ever gotten one that I'd want an ace of spade card on my wrist. I know she didn't get it from me being asexual, so that was fine (it's the subtle hints). But she said that it was stupid and dumb. Ouch.
I thought the idea was kind of cool. An asexual tattoo on my wrist of a card? Hell yeah, I'd go for it. But it's whatever.
Anyways, tell me about your coming out story! Did you guys come out today? Share your story! I'd love to hear.