So I'm going to this new counselor thing that's closer to my town and I'm honestly terrified. I mean, I loved my last one and I could tell her pretty much anything.The thing is with this new one, apparently I knew her from what seems like eight years ago??? But I have no memories of her whatsoever.
And I don't want to go. And most people in my town are Christian conservatives who mainly judge people of the LGBT + community and so I don't know how that will go. Also, my grandmother will be taking me and I'm *praying* she won't be able to be in the same room as me so I hope these are private sessions.
It's just completely crazy from start to finish. I'm really nervous and anxious and terrified of what can happen. I'm pretty sure I don't want this person at all because since I apparently know her, she most likely will judge and criticize me for being the person that I am.
And she's a counselor so she shouldn't be able to judge me in the first place, right? I don't know. I'm just really nervous. I don't know what's going to happen. I really just want to get my hair done. And I don't want to tell this person anything related to my sexuality/gender.
Hopefully all goes well.