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School is starting. It's my second year of college. And whatever year of school it may be for you, if you've completed it or not.
But I'm gonna learn you something today kiddos.
It's called squishes!
Yes, squish... a very unusual word but a term you may or may not have heard of.

Squish: In the asexual community, the equivalent of a "crush", but explicitly lacking an interest in forming a romantic couple or having a sexual relationship with the person in question. It does not matter if they are "in a relationship", as long as you two can have a deep connection.
A squish is an intense feeling of attraction, liking, appreciation, admiration for a person you urgently want to get to know better and become close with. It is different from "just wanting to be friends" in that there is an intensity about it and a disproportionate sense of elation when they like and appreciate you back.
And when y'all go back to school, you may form a squish, or maybe even a crush at that point. Or hell, maybe you're already in a relationship. Either way, you may realize more about yourself with other people with how you feel about them.

Just keep in mind: emotions are fluid. It always fluctuates however it may be. Crushes can intensity, or sink so low you'll forget about them being in the back of your mind. You may like someone else, or no one at all.
It doesn't matter. How you feel is what matters. Your feelings matter.

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