Picking up any aesthetically pleasing book.Putting down the aesthetically pleasing book after reading its dull amatonormative/heteronormative summary.
Mourning the waste of a good book cover on a dull narrative.
All your relatable protagonists are aliens or robots.
Or, all your relatable characters are antagonists.Or, all the relatable narratives are Science Fiction and/or Horror.
Taking "Netflix & Chill" quite literally.
Thinking about a future without all your most important friendships, and dissociating to avoid the impending anxiety and panic attacks.
Refusing to buy anything that doesn't perfectly fit your aesthetic.
Feeling incredibly overwhelmed and emotional when something perfectly fits your aesthetic, like, to the point of tears.
Somehow being very good at relationship advice, even though the thought of giving relationship advice is mentally exhausting.
Your wardrobe becomes black, purple, and gray without you even trying.
Being paranoid that your innocuous interactions with people will be misinterpreted as flirtation.
Dadaism makes more sense to you than it should.
Trying to be as repulsive as possible so people don't hit on you.
Trying to be as aesthetically attractive as possible, not realizing that people will hit on you.
Not realizing that people are hitting on you.
People think you're "eccentric" for spending so much time and money on things rather than on other people.
Zoning out to daydream about epic fight scenes while your friends ask you which person is more attractive to you.
Thinking about getting married for the tax benefits, and the idea of political marriages isn't so weird to you.
Eating all of food at parties because everyone else is hooking up, and someone has to do it.
Getting asked out to prom by someone who has a crush on you, but choosing to go with two friends as your 'date' instead.
Isolating yourself so you don't get too attached to people.
Also, getting attached to people.
Project Runway
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