We were going to Southern Union to watch a music theater play with a bunch of other different schools. This included eating lunch and getting to tour the place and talk about scholarships for music, art, dance, show choir and all of that stuff.Well, we were waiting for the show to start. We all were getting seated and more schools were coming in. Now this isn't an entire school or anything. This was for the seniors, and not all seniors went or anything.
Well, we had a school sit right in front of ours, as we were in the middle of the row and in the very middle.
Well, apparently, I wasn't hearing any of this, but I did see some of the boys eyes linger towards me in a curious weird way. Some were very hateful and rude towards me without being in my face. They were talking about me.
I didn't hear what they were saying, but some of the girls who were behind them (from my school) heard what they were saying about me. They were questioning wether I was a guy or a girl. They were being quite loud, so even if I didn't hear it, a lot of people did.
The girl told me what they were said. Oh, and I forgot to mention, this mostly came from two boys in general.
So me, being the smart ass I am and finding the situation humorous, I stood up and went directly over towards the boys. I grinned at them innocently and leaned towards them. I shouted, "Hey! So you're asking if I'm a boy or a girl right? Well, guess what asshats, I'm both!" And I went back to my seat and sat down feeling satisfied.
Everyone stared at me. One girl said "I'm sorry they were being so mean to you." My response was that "if they think hair should be gendered, then I will call them girls because they're dick-less."
And through the show, I saw the two boys snorting with laughter at one of the guys who was singing. He was rather large for his weight, but he was an amazing singer. The boys were being so rude and disrespectful the entire time.
They were awful. My teacher is going to file a complaint to their school for being so horrible to me and towards the show.