Chapter 56

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A week has past and everything is feeling more comforting. All of us are doing great at school. We are all caught up and our exam is in a week. All of us need to past it with at least a 'C' or we will have to repeat our grades. Our dance performance Is the day after the exam on a Friday. We still don't know what to do about Jane. I swear if it's the last thing I do, I will not let her get away for what she did. I will get her arrested along with Ian, Todd, and Alan. Those assholes won't be seeing the last of us. The truth is that we have no trace of them. I can't help but think if they are done with us or they are just planning a bigger plan to hurt us. For all we know, they cold be in china. Eben hasn't even told anyone about this. We all want to keep all this a secret because it would be bad for our reputation with IM5 and our lives would change drastically.

I can't figure out what I should do about this. I can't let anyone ever touch Alex again or even go near her. She will just end up getting hurt again. I won't let that happen. Not again.

It was around 9:00pm and I was just plain tired.

"Cole?" I heard Alex come in he room.

I looked over to see her all innocent.

"Hey." I reply with a smile. Seeing her makes me so happy.

"Me and the guys are going to eat. Wanna come?" Alex asked me.

"Nah, I think I'll stay behind. I got some stuff to do." I told her. She had a small frown and then left the room.

I can't eat right now. I just need to think.


Alex came back but without cole.

"Is cole coming?" I ask.

"No, he said he had some stuff to do." Alex said putting on a pair of blue converse.

"Ok. Well, lets go eat then." Dana stormed out the door.

We all followed behind. Eben had to go to a meeting and he didn't have time to stay so he left us some money for food. Why did Eben even get such a big house if he isn't even home most of the time. A nice cardboard house would have worked.

We all cramped into the car. Dalton was driving. Madison next to him. Alex#2 was in the second row with Gabe. Me and Dana and Alex were in the back row.

We finally made it to the restaurant. None of us knew which restaurant we were going too because it was Dalton's turn to decide and he wouldn't tell us.

All of us got out of the car.

"Really? McDonald?" Gabe said with a disappointed face.

"No you idiot. Over there." Dalton said pointing across the street to a restaurant I never heard of before.

"Nachastick?" Madison attempted to pronounce the name.

"Yep. I went here when I was little and the food was amazing." Dalton cheered.

"What are we waiting for? FOOD!!" I yelled causing people on the streets to stare at me with a crazy look.

We all went in and took a table for 7.

We ordered food and talked about life and our troubles and just our plans for the future.

"Ok, well. When we get home, we need to practice on our dances. We all have our duets and class dance down perfectly right?" Dana asked.

"Yep. We just need to finish our group dance." Alex#2 said.

I didn't talk because I was so concentrated on our food.

Once we finished our foods. We went home. We were driving, I was sitting by the window and I looked out. I had my headphones on and I was just staring into the dark night where there was only street lights and a few people out. Suddenly, I saw someone in a hood. She looks so familiar. Can it be? Is that Jane? I couldn't really tell from the darkness over her face,the car drove too fast for which I couldn't see clearly. I kinda jumped making Alex notice my sudden movement.

"Will?" Alex questioned. "Are you ok? You had like a mini heart attack or something."

"I'm fine. I just had a bad thought." I told her.

"Do you want to talk about it?" She asked.

I nodded my head no. I am not even sure what I saw. I can worry them like that. But what if it was Jane? The person I saw had similar features. How come I'm the only one noticing all these encounters with a person who looks like Jane but could not be. I mean like first when we went to that very expensive restaurant, then today. I wonder if anyone else sees her.

You Are Exactly Who I Think U R. ( Cole Pendery love story/ IM5 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now