Chapter 26 torture day 3

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I woke up to see cole and Dana missing. Where are they?

"COLE!? DANA!?" I shouted

No answer.

"Hello? Cole? Dana? Are you guys their!?" I said a little louder

Then I heard the door open. It was Alan.

"Where is cole and Dana!!??" I said

"Don't worry. Your coming with me!" He said

He went down the stairs and I backed away. He tugged on my arm and dragged me.


I used all my force to tug back but he ended up just kicking me in the stomach.
I fell to the ground and he tied me up and dragged me out the basement.

We went up to a room and I saw cole and Dana on the floor all bruises and bloody.

"COLE! DANA!" I yelled.

"ALEX!" They looked back up.


"I told you I would treat YOU right, not them. Therefore, since I can't hurt you physically, why not mentally." Alan said

"W-what are you doing?" I ask shaking

He tied me up against the wall so I was kinda hanging.

"Now now. Your going to stand their and watch the people you love get hurt." Todd said

"What the hell is wrong with you guys!?" I said

"Everything" Alan replied

"Where Is Jane?" I asked

"Oh don't worry, she isn't here, this was all our idea." Todd said

Alan just smirked at me before leaving me to go to cole and Dana.
They went up to them and started to kick and punch them over and over. They were on the floor bleeding and all I could do was look away.

Alan came to me with his bloody knuckles and lifted me head forcing me to watch Todd beat up cole and Dana.

"STOP!!!! PLEASE JUST STOP HURTING THEM!!!!" I couldn't take it anymore.

"AWW, is the princess crying" Alan said while leaning in to kiss me.

I pushed away as much as I could. He lips were on mine and I could tell cole was watching with anger.

"STOP!! YOUR A DISGUSTING FREAK! IM 17 AND YOUR LIKE 78 (Im exaggerating for those who can't tell)! YOUR SUCH A PEDDO." I scream. He slapped my face and went to cole and kicked him.

"Cole has to pay for what you said." He said

I watched them get beaten and I couldn't take it any longer. If I don't do this, they will be dead.

"STOP! You can take me and hurt me, just please don't hurt them anymore!" I said standing and crying.

"So the princess is the hero. Cole, you got a nice girlfriend."


He kicked cole one last time.

"GET AWAY FROM HIM!" Dana said sticking out for cole.

"Well?" Alan said looking at me.

"Yes. Take me, just don't hurt cole and Dana anymore."

"Alex! Don't!" Cole said

"It's ok, I will be alright" I said crying

"Alex, we can't let you get killed for us" Dana said

"To bad, you guys are in to much pain to take anymore beating." I said

"So, it's final." Todd said

They dragged cole and Dana out of the room.


"I LOVE YOU!" Cole screamed before leaving the room.

"Me to." I said

I heard The door to the basement slam open. I heard cole screaming "DON'T TOUCH HER OR ELSE!! I SWEAR I WILL KILL-" I couldn't hear them anymore. I started to cry.

"Please just don't hurt Alex, she didn't do anything!" Dana said. I then heard the door close and then footsteps coming back into the room.

"Well, well, well. I see you care about your boyfriend and your friend a lot to do this" Alan said

"Of corse. I love them" I said

"We'll, you made a deal. Now your going to keep it." Todd said coming up to me. I was still tied up to the wall. He walked toward me, I just struggled and tried to get untied.

"Struggling is not going to help you escape." He said and then he kicked me in the stomach with so much force I felt a sharp pain go through my body.

"Oww," I just screamed and tried to take in the pain. I was also crying. They kept torturing me.

"Now do you regret switching?" Alan said with a smirk.

"NO! I would rather let you kill me then for you to touch them." I said

"Ha, strong girl" Todd said as he got out the whip.

He started to whip me and I counted 38 times before he stopped. I could tell I was bleeding.

"That's enough for the day. We need you alive to get what we want" Alan said. He untied me and pulled me to the basement and threw me down the stairs. I fell down the flights of stark and I just laid their because it was to painful to move.

"ALEX!!" Cole and Dana said running to me.

I looked at them.

"Hey!" Was all i could say. They helped me up and we all leaned against the wall.

"Alex are you ok?" Dana asked

"No, the question is are you ok?" I asked.

"Well we are sore" Dana said

"Your so stupid Alex. Why did you switch? Your really hurt and it hurts me more to see you like this." Cole said.

"I'm sorry. I just couldn't see you get hurt anymore. I saw how bad it was. Look at you guys. You look worst then me." I said

"No, you really are stupid. Look at yourself, you must have gotten whipped like 100 times. Your bleeding and the cuts are so deep." Dana said supporting and comforting me.

I used all my force and got up to grab the water.

"You guys are bleeding and a lot." I said. I took some water they left for us and wetted a shirt and whipped all the blood and dirt off of them.

"Now you guys look better" I said

"Now you.." Cole said.

"No, I'm fine" I said

"No, your not. Look at yourself. I could tell the beat you then whipped you. Your bleeding over your shirt." Dana said.

Cole lifted my shirt and started to clean the blood and dirt off me. I just whined in pain.

"Owwwww!" I screamed

"It's ok" Dana said trying to get me to be quieter.

After about 2 more minutes of stinging and pain, all the blood was gone and now it was just scars, cuts and bruises.


It's been like 3 days since cole and Alex switched for Gabe. I have been taking care of him every second of the day. He was really hurt. His scars, cuts, and bruises are healing at least. We still don't know what to do about getting them out.

"Alex#2!" Gabe screamed

"Yeah bebe?" I said

"Come cuddle with me, I'm tired" Gabe said

"Gabe, just go sleep. You need it plus I need to get some food for you." I say.

"Please for me. Plus, your the one that needs to take a break" Gabe said looking with his puppy dog face.

"Fine, but only for you" I said. He smiled witch made me smile because I haven't seen Gabe to such a long time and I just love him to much to lose him again.

We were in bed facing each other.

"I love you" Gabe said while pecking on my lips.

"I love you, too." I said

"Don't ever leave me again. I can't handle you not being with you" I said almost bursting in tears.

"Don't cry. I will never leave you again. I love you." Gabe said

"Ok, I trust you. What are we going to do about cole, Alex, and Dana?" I asked

"I don't know. I think it's time to ask for some help." Gabe said

"We can't remember. They said that if we contact anyone about this, they will kill them." This time I was actually crying. Gabe wiped my tears away. "Yeah, but I think I have a idea. This is going to take all Brian's on bored though." Gabe said

"What is it?" I ask.

"Don't worry about it, I will tell when the rest are here." Gabe said.

"Ok" I say. I turned around and my back against Gabe's chest. He wrapped his arms around me and we fell asleep. I had a smile on my face for being reunited with Gabe.



Hey I just uploaded like 4 chapters. Go read them. Sorry for not uploading for the past few days. I just like to skip uploading the chapters on weekends so I could write more at a time and then you guys can read more chapters at a time. So don't be surprised if I skip the weekend. All I am doing is writing more chapters and uploading more in a day. VOTE COMMENT AND SHARE PLEASE.

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