Chapter 57

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Is it me or was will acting strange today. I mean like all we did was go out to eat and he acted like he saw a ghost and was paralyzed from it. He hasn't been talking the whole way back. I should talk to him about it.

We were all already home and I went up to my room to see cole.

"Hey cole!" I walk in.


"Watcha doing?" I ask.

"Nothing. but if you must ask I'm on Instagram and twitter and I'm having so much fun because i love seeing your tweets." Cole replies.

I chuckle a bit.

"Why are you laughing?" Cole looked hurt,

"Nothing. I really didn't care what you were doing. The fact that you put it all out to tell me was cute." I smile at him innocently.

"You didn't care." Cole said with a puppy dog face.

"Nope." I smirk.

"That's mean." Cole pouts.

He walks over to me and hugs me from behind. Then suddenly, he grabs me and pulls me to the bed. With all the force, I fall on the bed and he pins me down playfully.

"Say you care about what I was doing!" Cole said with a smirk.

"Nope!" I laugh and try to escape his grip.

"Say it!" He pins me harder.

"No! DALTON!!!" I yell for help. Maybe dalton can get him off of me and then I win. Cole always has to beat me to everything, I mean everything. Like he will try to eat faster I do. He will try to beat me at ever race we do. He will beat me at who gets ready the fastest. He is just so competitive.

"DALTON!! WILL!! GABE!!! DANA!!! ALEX#2!!! MADISON!!" I scream for help.

"You know that yOU screaming for help isn't going to make me get off you until you say you care about my life on the Internet." Cole laughs,

Then all of a sudden, dalton and Dana burst into the room.

They stared at us with confused looks.

"Are you going to help me get cole off or are you just going to stand there and stare at cole's butt." I said wile lifting my head toward the door,

"What are you guys even doing?" Dana asked.

"Cole pinned me down because I said I didn't care about his social life and he won't get off me until I say i care" I said. Then I whispered the part when I said, "which I really don't."

"Now can you get cole off please." I begg to dalton.

He sighed and was walking to cole.

"Dalton if you try to get me off, I swear I will put a spider in your bed when you sleeping. Don't move me." Cole said strictly.

"Sorry Alex, nothing I can do here." Dalton said backing away.

"DAlton!? Really?" I sighed in frustration.

"Dana! Can you help." I ask nicely

"Fine." He yawned.

"Dana, If you touch me I will make sure to make your white pants dirty, but ill say it was on accident." Cole smirked.

"Can't help you alex." Dana said backing up with dalton.

"Ugh." I complain.

Dana and dalton leave, leaving cole staring at me with his brown chocolate eyes. He smirked at me giving me a hint that he won.

"You didn't win yet, pendery. You forgot that I have to say it before you win." I said while sticking my tongue out.

"Your so cute." He laughed.

"You too." I giggle.

He leaned in to kiss me and I couldn't resist, so I gave in. His lips so so soft and all you could feel was how passionate it was. I still couldn't move from all the weight he had on me.

He separated and looked at me.

"Are you going to say it or are we going to have to sleep in this position?" Cole said.

"Ugh. Fine. I care about you social life even if it's really boring." I said aloud.

"Thank you." He smirked once again. He got off me and I got up as well. Once we were both up, he pulled us into another kiss. This time it was longer and it felt more right. I always feel better with him.

"Lets go downstairs." I suggest.

He nodded and took my hand. We both went down to the living room. Everyone looked at us.

"You gave in didn't you?" Dana said.

"Yep." I nodded and looked down.

"By the way, thanks for helping Will, Gabe, Madison, and Alex#2. You guys are the most helpful." I said with so much sarcasm in my mouth.

Cole went to sit down and I looked over to will who looked stoned. It's time to ask whats wrong.

"Will? Can I talk to you for a second?" I ask.

Cole looked at me with a 'what are you doing face.' I mouthed back 'trust me'. Will looked up from his seat and looked at me.

"Um..... Yeah.. Sure..." He stumbled.

I walked up to the second floor with will behind me. I went to my room and looked us both in it.

"What are you doing?" Will asked nervous.

"The gig Is up. Will? What's going on? We all know that something is bothering you. Tell me, I swear I won't tell anybody bout it. You seem like you need someone to talk to and get this problem off you chest." I said while comforting him

"I can't tell you because I'm not even sure for myself." Will said.

"Just say what your thinking. I won't judge. I promise. Please. I can't help you if you don't tell me. Your sadness is just going to get worst." I say with a very convincing voice if I must say.

"Ok. I think you might want to sit down though." Will said.

I was confused. Is it that big of a deal that I need to sit.

I sat down on my bed and will was on the other side. I cant help but notice how sad and down he was.

"What's going on?" I ask.

"Promise not to tell. Ok?" He said.

"I promise."

"Ok. When we went to that very expensive dinner, I was eating and out of no where a girl walked by our door. I think that person was Jane."

Those words struck me like lightning. No. No. No. Jane is back into our lives. I can't handle anymore torture. The fact that she was 4 feet away from me a week ago scared me. Our lives are going to change from here on out. Life will never be ok again.

"Alex? Are you ok?" Will said hole waving his hand in front of my face.

"Jane is back?" I question.

"There is more. When we went out to eat today, we were driving back home and I was staring out the window. I am not sure about this but, I swear I saw Jane in the streets. I freaked of the thought and yeah." Will said with a shaky voice. It's true that the thought of Jane was horrifying.

"You saw her tonight? When we were out?" I ask. He nods.

"The thing is I'm not sure if it was even her. I can swear hat it looks like her, but it could be just a girl. I thought that one of you guys might have seen her but wasn't sure ether. I can't think or eat from the trout that we will have to start the whole torturing over again." Will said.

"I don't think your eyes could deflect you into seeing the wrong person. It must have been Jane. Now, for all I know, we have to keep and close look out." I said.

"Alex, just remember to dont tell anyone. I don't want them worried for what could not be even true." Will suggested.

"Ok." I agreed.

I was going out the door with will behind me. I oped the door to find 6 people falling out of the door. I looked at will who was shocked,

"So much for not telling them." Will sighed.

I looked at all there faces with a disappointed look.

"Jane is back?" Madison said with fear in her eyes.

"Yes." I reply.

I could see all the fear in each and everyone of there eyes. I was upset that they were eavesdropping, but at least now to be aware of there surrounding.

It was night time and I was in Coles arms safe and sound. I couldn't even sleep. Every time I close my eyes, I see Jane and blood. I don't know why but it's just there. The words that Will said to me scared me. She is back. I'm done with her tho. She ruined my life and I can't stand it anymore. Nothing will ever be alright as long as Jane is still on this earth breathing the same Air as me.

"Alex, I will not let anything happen to you this time. It's a promise." Cole whispered into my ears.

"I know." I said.

Jane isn't going to hurt me anymore. I have cole. He will protect me. All of us will stand up for each other. Jane is dead to me.



I don't write for so long and I'm so sorry. I am so busy these days. I hope these two chapters will make up for it. By the way, I am closing the story in around 10 more chapter or so. I do apologize in advance if I skip somedays of writing. I love you guys. I might write a sequel but who knows. But for now I am focusing on the ending. VOTE, COMMENT, SHARE!! :)

You Are Exactly Who I Think U R. ( Cole Pendery love story/ IM5 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now