Chapter 54 Just Thinking

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It's been a week since the day we went to the fancy restaurant. Will still wont talk about what happened that day. He just said that he wasnt hungry. Psh, yeah like I believe him, not. Will is never full from food. He is like a vacuum that sucks everything up. Something is up with him. He was acting weird every since the restaurant when he all of a student froze in fright while eating.

"Hey bebe? Do you need to go to the studio today?" Madison asked me,

"I don't think so, let me go ask Eben." I told her. She nodded in response.

I ran up to the third floor where Eben's room was. I knocked on the door. He opened it and looked like he was in a hurry.

"What do you want Dalton?" Eben asked annoyed.

"Do we have to go to the studio today?" I ask quickly.

"No. Not today but you have to go tomorrow. You guys get a day off. Your teachers are coming back on Wednesday which is in two days to help you guys study. Dalton, do me a favor and help out Alex around the house. I know she is getting better but she is still injured." Eben said rushing out of the room like a puma.

"Yeah sure." I responded.

"Do you need anything else? I need to get to the record label for a meeting and I'm running late." Eben said quickly grabbing his keys and running downstairs.

"No, I don't think so." I said following him out.

"Ok, good. I left you guys 200$ on the counter for food or if yOU just want to hang out." Eben said walking pass the living room and out the door.


"WILL! YOU ARE IN CHARGE! DON'T RUIN MY HOUSE AND TAKE CARE OF EACH OTHER! I will be back by 3:00am tops." Eben screamed into the other rooms making sure they heard him.

"Ok!" Will yelled back.

"Bye guys!" Eben yelled before slamming the door. There he goes.

Madison walked back to me.

"What was that all about?" She asked.

"Nothing, he was just late for a meeting. Oh and I don't have to go to the recording studio. I'm going tomorrow. And we are starting back home schooling in a way on Wednesday." I told Madison while leading her into the living room sofa.


Everybody has been asking me what's wrong the fast few days. It get annoying let me tell you. I have to lie and say Im just not in the mood when truthfully, I just can't shake the thought of maybe seeing Jane in the restaurant. The worst thing about it was I didn't do anything about it. If it was really her, we could get her arrested and then most of our problems would go away. Ugh, I'm so stupid.

On another word, Alex is getting better. Cole is taking care of her like 24/7. Her scars will forever be on the skin, but they are healing slowly. She can actually move and walk properly now.

Everything is a mess. Dealing with money and just all the problems in the world in general.

I want ice cream.


I was on my bed laying with no care in the world. The whole world is messed up actually. Animals are endangered, people are doing everything they can to survive, everyone is dying, fights are happening, he world is fucked up. I can't handle this. My world is still in tack. Everything is better, at least a little bit. My money problems are going away. Eben has been so kind and paying my bills, tickets, and just things I need really. I don't know how I'm going to repay him. He is seriously the best person ever. Which reminds me of my parents. I hadn't talk to them in so long, maybe a month or two. They never have the time to talk when I call. Eben has been able to talk to my parents, once in a while to talk about how I'm doing, but I'm never around to say hello. My life is so depressing sometimes.

I get tired alot these days. All I want to do is just sit around, but cole always forces me to go outside and walk a while to clear my mind.

Did anyone else notice the change in Will. He is acting alot calmer. More like in a bad way. He is so quite and all he does is drift off in space. He doesn't even eat that much again. Don't get me wrong, he still eats and I mean alot, but he doesn't eat as much.

Now a days, he has a scared look on is face. I asked him about it one day, and all he said was he wasn't in the mood. I know will and he is always in the mood to do anything. Something is wrong with him. Does it have to do with the thin that Will was starring at that was behind me at the restaurant? Ill figure it out later. I just want to sleep. Yeah, sleep. Maybe never wake up, just to be out of this world. I'm sick of having to deal with all the pain and suffering and stress. After everything, they are still going to pressure us with homework and school. It annoys me so much. Can't everyone and everything just have a normal life with happy eyes that spreads across the world like pixie dust. I should probably snap out of this world of happiness and get back to reality where most things don't have happy endings and most things aren't perfect. I use to think that a little bit of drama was fine because that's what made life life itself. Without a little bit of hate in the world the world would be boring and so normal and just plain. But right now, in my shoes, in my world, in my life, things aren't great. It's beyond what I thought could happen 5 years ago. It has reached it's limit. It is out of control and we need to do something about it. My life just sucks. Yet again, there must be a person somewhere in the world that has it worst that me. Yeah, maybe.

"Hey bebe." Cole said walking into my thought.

"Oh, hey!" I reply.

"Lets go for a walk to my favorite spot on LA. I just want to think right now and I want you to be next to me." Cole said and smiled with gave me butterflies to smile as well.

"Sure." I answer. I got up from my bed and quickly grabbed my phone.

We walked downstairs into the living room and out the door. We sneakily went past the big tree that hides our secret hide out and we walk up a big hill leading to the spot. We finally reached it and it was magnificent. The view looked just as beautiful in the day than in the night. The wind was blowing in my hair and the view was so high up, I felt like I could see Paris. I love it up here.

"C'mon" cole said dragging me to the bench. We both sat down. We didn't talk or the rest of the time. We just thought realizing out all of our bad thoughts. Cole held my hand and I cuddled on his chest. We stayed on the bench for like a few hours without even moving. I feel so safe when I am with him. I hope I feel this way forever.

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