Chapter 64 Together at last

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"Alex, you ok?" Alex#2 asked me. She walked up to me and wrapped her arms around me to comfort me but it wasn't really working.

" yeah." I lied,

I wasn't ok. I needed and wanted cole. He is the only thing that could make me feel better at this point. My friends are in a close second but cole wins it all. Cole is my everything.

Seeing Alex#2 with Gabe and Madison with dalton, I'm not going to lie, I feel jealous. They are happy now. Will and Dana had each other and I'm alone. Where are you cole?

"Come on guys, lets keep going. Maybe we will find cole." Will said. Maybe? You mean we WILL find cole. He has to be here.

I didn't know that my legs were not moving.

"Alex, you coming?" Dana asked 5 feet away from me.

I looked at him and he just smiled and came back to me, putting his hands around my neck and basically dragging me.

I just laugh but the laugh wasnt really real.

Soon we were at the back of the building and trust me, the building is huge and it was hard to get around.

"Hey guys lets try to brighten the mood!" Dalton yelled.

"How? This place isn't the most cheery, dalton." Will said pointing out the obvious.

"Come on, everyone here is scared and sad, might as well." Dalton replied.

"How then?" Madison asked still in Dalton's arms.

"Lets sing!" Gabe suggested.

"Great idea!" Dana spoke.

"What song?" Alex#2 asked.

"Lets let Alex choose, I think she needs the most cheering up right now." Madison said.

"Um. Ok. How about, hold on, were going home by drake." I suggested.

"Ok, then. A 1 and a 2 and a 3." Gabe started.

Dana started off the song and then dalton and then Gabe and then will and then all together. They sang beautifully. I was actually cheering up but not to he point where everything is fine. The one thing that could make me feel complete is cole. I keep thinking about him. He is like my life now. Everything I do, I feel like cole is apart of it.

"Your everything that I see, I want your hot love and emotion endlessly. I can't get over you, you left your mark on me. I want you heart love and emotions endlessly," Dana sang as will and dalton had backup.

As I was in the dark, behind everybody, I just kept looking out into the distance wishing I would find cole.

The boys sang but it would have been better with cole in it. Everything is still a mess to me. I have so many question to ask.

I looked away from the house and I saw a car. The car was a still a distance away from the building so I couldn't exactly see if anyone was in it or who it was. I squint my eyes tighter to see it better but it didn't help at all. Why do people even do that? It doesn't even work.

I walk away from the group without them even noticing because of there loud singing. I shouldn't be doing this. I walk closer to the car. Every step I took, I felt my heart go faster. In the car in front of me could ether be cole or Jane. Lets hope it's Cole.

When I approached it closer, I saw it clearer. It was a grey. That's cole's car! I ran up to it From behind. Is cole really here?

Once I was behind the car, I walk up to the window and I see cole. CoLE!!

His eyes widen as he saw me. I was tearing up from happiness and from fright at the same time.

Without breaking contact, cole got out of his car and closed it. Without hesitation, he grabbed me super tightly for a hug. I hugged him back. I was crying at that point but it was ok because I was safe in cole's arms.

"Alex, what are you doing here?" Cole asked still surprised.

"Long story.." I sniffled.

"It's ok, I'm here now. ," cole said hugging me tighter.

After a long hug, cole finally let me go. He lifted my chin up forcing me to look up at him. He leaned down slowly and I leaned in as well. When our lips meet, I felt like I was floating. I haven't felt this way in a long time. His lips were so soft, so gentle, so passionate. Just as I remember. We kept kissing without taking a breath. His lips warmed me up. Everything was now complete.

We both stopped for air and I just giggled with happiness.

"I missed you so much!" I smiled.

"I missed you too! I was lost without you." Cole said making me blush. He grabbed me into another hug.

After we let go, things got serious.

"Alex-" cole asked but got interrupted by dalton, Gabe, Madison, Alex#2, Dana, and will running to us.

"What the hell Alex, you scared the shit out of us! Why did you go off on your on without telling us!" Dalton yelled out of breath. I took a step back revealing cole.

"COLE!" Everyone shouted.

"That's why." I smiled up at cole but he just looked down at me with confusion.

Cole hugged everybody.

"We need to talk!" Cole asked with a serious face.

"not now, lets go somewhere first. Then we will explain everything." Dana said.

We all walked back to the building, then we all sat on the steps.

"Ok, explain." Cole said in a serious tone. I sat next to cole and he had me close to his side.

"What are you guys doing here? How did you even get here? Why are you here?" Cole had a million question.

"Cole, I know you have a lot of questions, we all do, so I'm going to clear everything up." Will said.

"Ok, so remember when I thought I saw Jane? Yeah. I was right. I wasn't hallucinating her. I really did see her. My theory is that she is following all of us somehow. I know that for a fact she wouldn't have just let us go after the kidnapping, this is just revenge. Jane brought us all out here today. On this night, at the same time, with the same way. All of us were out on our own today, and all of us got a note or text saying nearly the same thing. Am I right? Jane somehow found a way to put the note and she would know we would find it. The scary part. Is that she is creepy around us right now maybe. Remember what Eben said, he said that she didn't do all this for fun, she has a reason. Now she is taking our all her anger out on us by bringing all of us to this one spot tonight. I think this is a trap." Will said with a shaky voice as if he was scared himself,

"Wait, you guys got a note too by a anonymous person telling to meet here at 12 and to come alone?" Cole asked confused. All of us nodded.

"It's not like she is going to kill us." Alex#2 said.

"You never know. I mean she is a crazy person who is evil." Dalton added.

"Wait, then why did she bring us here individually if all of us was going to be together anyways?" Gabe asked.

"I don't know, but whatever she did made me freak out." Dana complained.

"What now?" I asked.

"I really don't know. Jane didn't tell us what to do after we got here." I said.


"What was that?" Alex#2 asked,

"My phone." I said. I took out my phone and it said that I had a message from anonymous.

You Are Exactly Who I Think U R. ( Cole Pendery love story/ IM5 Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now