chapter 7 HOW?

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~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~CHAPTER 7~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


What just happened? I was still standing there in shock. I cant believe he would do that. I was shaking a little thinking about what he would do to me next. I was still standing there when the bell rang to get to the next class.

"move along, kids." the principle said.

I went back to reality but i was still shocked. I couldn't get rid of the voice in my head telling to run away so i don't have to deal with Cole. I walk to my next class which was biology. To be honest, in my old school, i loved biology because you get to do so much fun lab. When i walked in i saw Dalton. It seems like every class i have these dimwits with me. I love Dalton, Gabe, will, and Dana because they were so sweet but when it came to Cole i didn't understand. How could his friends be so nice and Cole be like, ugh. oh well. i saw Dalton and he waved at me with a big smile. I waved back.

"You must be the new student here. WELCOME TO BIOLOGY! A WORLD FULL OF WONDERS" said my biology teacher with a loud voice.

"Um hai, I'm Alex" i say sweetly.

"Why don't you go sit next to Eric." he said pointing to this really cute guy. I nod and walked over to him. I wasn't looking for a relationship with anyone, yet because my ex broke my heart a while ago and I'm just not ready yet. I sat down and eric said hai to me.

"Hey, my name is Eric, whats yours." he said.

"I'm Alex, Alex Jones." i reply.

"Hope we can hang out some times." he asked

"Um......" i say back denying a bit.

"Oh not like that, i mean just as friends" he said with a little giggle.

"Oh, OK i would really like that. :)" i told him.

"How about the game tomorrow?" he say with a big smile

"What game?" i ask with curiosity

"The soccer game" he says.

"Um. can we just go to the mall or something?" i ask

"Why? you don't like soccer :(" he looked sad

"Yeah..... its just not my thing, sorry" i said letting him down slowly, but the truth is that i know that the captain is Cole and i don't want to be near him, so i said no. To be honest, i always loved to play soccer with my dad, but once school started to be a little more serious, i didn't have time to play, but soccer will always be in heart, tho.

"Its OK, yeah lets go to mall" he said looking very happy.

"Can i bring along a friend" i ask... i was going to bring Jane, so i wont be the only girl there or be alone with only Eric. I know we are just friends but i can tell its going to be awkward with just him.

"Sure" he said.

I go back to doing my work. YAY!!!!! I'm going to shop for so many things.

~~~~~~~~~ 20 MINS LATER~~~~~~~~~~~

"OWW!!" i scream because someone through a paper ball at me. everyone was looking at me.

"Is something wrong, Alex" the teacher asked

"Uh, no sorry" i say back embarrassed

I took the paper Ball and opened it, trying not to get caught a second time.

~~~~~~~ NOTE READING ~~~~~~~~~~~

Anonymous- meet me at my locker after 5th period


I look around to see Dalton smiling like a idiot. I laugh and write 'ok' and throw it back and the paper ball accidentally hit him in the face. He laughed quietly and i just turn back around to finish my work. We were going to do a lab on Wednesday and we had to fill out a piece of paper asking question about cells and other thing. BORING.

The bell rang and I heading to fifth period for P.E. I went to the girl's locker room and got changed into the P.E clothes the school gave me. I then proceed to go to the gym and i was already really shocked about how big the gym was. When i walked in i saw Cole and our eyes locked. I was so nervous in seeing him. He had a smirk on his face and i was getting a bit scared. I tried to ignore him but it was so hard. It was like we couldn't keep our eyes apart.


~~~~~~~~~ COLE'S P.O.V ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I saw her walk into the north gym and our eyes lock. I am going to make her life hell for what she did to me. No one ever says no to me.

"OK, guys. run around the gym for 10 mins" said the P.E teacher, Mr.Meneses. He was a great teacher and was the one to help me get on the soccer team when i first got here.

I looked over while i was running and i saw Alex with her P.E clothes on talking to the teacher, she looked hot. Wait.. what am i saying. I hate her. She is a rude person and i am going to teach her a lesson for talking to me that way. I will make her life a living hell hole and she will regret ever going to this school.

~~~~ 5 MINUTES LATER ~~~


I talked to the teacher about the usual about how I'm the new kid and he ask for my my name and took out a binder full of information about my health from my old school

"Hmmm, your a straight A and B kid. Your 5'5, you are 105 pounds, and you are very healthy. Ok, i will look at your fitness record while you run. Go on start jogging with the others." Mr.Meneses said.

I start to jog and by the time we were almost done, Cole caught up to me. He trip me and i fell on the floor looking like a idiot. Mr.Meneses didn't even see him.

"Whoops" Cole said with a smirk on his face. Others were laughing and staring at me.

I fell on my knees and got a few scrapes but it wasn't that bad.

"Ok kids, today we are playing Dodge Ball." Mr.Meneses said........ GREAT, he just gave Cole another reason to hit me and this time it will be with balls.

He separated us into two team, the winning team gets to leave a little early. I was on the blue team and Cole was on the red team. When Mr.menenses blew the whistle, I ran for a ball for protection or just simply a weapon. When i got to the middle, i grabbed a yellow bouncy ball. Cole got 1 too, but his friends gave him another, so he had 2. I was scared for my face, so i went and hid behind people. Not such a great choice. Cole hit them out of the way and they were out, leaving me standing empty. I tried to hit Cole with my only ball but i missed. I ran and hid in the back of people again and again till i was the only one left and in Cole's team it was just him and this random guy. He looked weak but was super strong when throwing a ball.

"Two against 1, thats not fair." i yell across the room

I had a few balls on my side and decided to take the balls that were near me. Before the random guy could hit me, i hit him first, causing him to fall on the ground. He was really mad. Oops. It was just me and Cole left and my side wanted me to win but Cole sides was cheering for him to hit me and get it over with. I dodged as many balls as i can but he just kept on throwing them at me. Finally I was strong enough to throw some balls at him and he Dodge them all, but still. I could see the anger in his eyes grow every time he misses or every time I throw it at him. This kept on going for a long time til Cole hit me in the neck and i fell. Cole team was cheering for him but my team supported me, too

I heard things like



"ITS Ok, we tried our best"

While Cole's team left, I heard him say, "Sucks for you, better luck next time, princess" Cole said with a smirk

I went to locker room and changed back to my school clothes and on my way out, i remembered i had to meet up with Dalton at his locker.

I went to Dalton's locker and saw him talking to three girls.

I went over and said hai to Dalton.

"Girls, this is Alex. Alex, this is Madison, my beautiful girlfriend. Alex,this this Alex, Gabe's girlfriend and this is Caroline, Will's cousin"

"Hai, Madison, Caroline and Alex" i say kinda shy.

"Hey, you have the same name as me, we can be twins" Alex says.

"Yeah!" i say back.

During the little break, we all get to know each other better. They were really nice and really sweet. Also they were very pretty.

"We gotta go to class, see you next time?" said Madison, Alex, and Caroline.

"Kk, see you next time, bye!" i scream back before they left.

Now it was just me and Dalton

"I'll walk you to class, cmon" Dalton said

"You don't have to" i tell him

" I want to, what kind of a friend would i be if i let you go by yourself" he mutter

"A normal one" i scream back in sarcasm.

We both laugh and he walked me to class. I didn't bother telling him or any one what Cole has done to me because i know its my fight and i don't want to ruin any relationship or more people hating me, so i just keep my mouth shut.

For the rest of the day, i didn't see Cole. I was surprised because he always seem to find me in the worst times.

After school i walked home. When i got home my mom asked "How did the first day of school go,honey."

"Great!!" i lied.

"Ok, well dinners going to be ready in a 1 hours."


I walk up to my room and lay my back pack on the floor and i took my ipod and headphones out to jam out. The whole time i wasn't even paying attention to the music, all i was doing was thinking about what happened today. How could Cole be so mean? How could his friends be so nice. Why am i so stupid for letting him bully me like that? So much was going through my head i didn't even notice that my mom called me for dinner.

She came up my room and told me dinner was on the table.

"Ok, ill be right down." i say. She left and I looked out the window thinking all this happened in one day and it was also the first day, what will happen by the end of the week? i was scared but i didn't want to show it. Everything in my head was full of worries and anger. I told myself, i have to stay strong and left the room without saying another word. THE FIRST DAY IS ALWAYS THE WORST DAY :( .



So how do you guys like it so far. I am trying to make them longer just for you. Vote and comment please. ill right more at night time

Lastest update 8-15-13

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