Chapter 60 part 1. Arrivals

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What could this note even mean? It is probably Jane. It has to be. Considering that she has been missing and the fact that she knows so much about me. I know I will regret going tonight but if it means peace , I'm all in.

I believe that all of us are still in our separate ways right now because I called Dana at first and he said he was still home alone. It's better this way, now I can go without them being suspicious.

It was 11:30pm. Shit it's almost time to go. I don't want to admit it but I'm scared. Scared to lose my life. Scared to get hurt again. Scared for the future. I have cheated death so many times and I know for a fact that death doesn't like to be cheated on. If tonight I die, I at least die in a place for someone. I guess dying for someone is a good way to die. You know what they say, you either die a hero or watch yourself live long enough to become a villain. In my case, I would die a hero.


It's 11:30pm. It's almost time to go. I was about to go back to the house but I couldn't just leave again right after. I spent the last few hours just walking around and thinking. It's nice. For a change, I didn't seem very hungry. I kept the note I found in my back pocket. Just thinking about tonight is going to be scary. I don't want to die yet. I didn't even get to live.

I was just sitting in the car when I start to think about life. I remember when in 7th grade, my teacher asked me and my class a question about why I was put on this earth. What is the purpose of my life. My answer would be to live and to help the world become better and because I'm just that awesome. Now that I think about it again, I would go back in time and change my answer. Life isn't just about living. It's about feeling what a person can do. Having all those fun experiences, learning about love, to be happy for once in a lifetime. No body knows the true meaning on why they were put out into this world, but if you think about it, it doesn't matter. Life will have it's ups and downs and it will be tough, but from all the experiences I have been through, I learned that life is about achieving what no other can, love and happiness. Nothing is permanent in life, so make as many mistakes as you want. But at least in the future you will know what is right. Cherish life and it's qualities because you are not going to have a second chance at it.

I checked my time, 11:40pm. I should get going. It's not everyday that you get a opportunity to die. Ugh, I'm so stupid, why did I agree to go to the stupid building. I remember passing down that road with my parents when I was a kid and it scared the fudge out of me. I start to drive down the pitch back road. The only lights were the car flash lights and the dim street lights. I pulled up to the building. Just as I remember, red brick walls, wooden doors, blocked out windows, white pillars. Ugh this place gives me the creeps. I get out of my car and I there it is, the creepy gargoyles. I felt the dragon stone eyes watch my every move. No one is here. Is this a prank. HoW could I be so stupid. I was early though, I checked my phone and it read 11:50pm. The wind was strong today and it's freezing my toes off. I can't help but click my teeth together.

I am going to check this place out. I decided to walk around the building and to be safe, Im not going far. I was forced by cole to watch enough scary movies that I know, if you go too far, you WILL die. I'm just going to walk around to see if anyone is here. The faster I get out of here the better.


I am so mad right now. Today went from a happy day of music to a crappy one. I have to go to the stupid abandon building by Main Street. No one even goes there anymore. It's really creepy at night. Is around 11:20pm and I need to get going. It's pretty far away from where I am. I texted Madison at first because she wanted to know where. I was and I had to lie and say that I'm staying a night with my parents and I might come home later. I hate lying to Maddie, but if it means keeping her safe. I don't knew what creep would threaten to even touch Madison. If anyone beside me even lay a figure on her, they are dead. But, the person who gave me a note

, sure knows alot. That's the scary part. I have one thought on who it could be but I don't want it to be true. If its Jane behind all this, I won't know what to do but to call the cops and run for my life. The note said they would hurt the ones I love, but I know we have become stronger and nothing can tear us apart.

I drove to the far side of town where very we cars even go. It's night time and i really don't like this feeling I have. I feel like I'm in a horror story but it's real. What happened to those days where everything was normal. I miss those days. I loved those days.

I pull up a few blocks from the building. I was five minutes early and I don't want to be early standing in the dark road waiting for someone who could kill me. But you have to be safe so I brought a knife in case. I don't plan on using it unless they try to hurt me.

I don't want to go in yet. I think I'm going to stay put till then.


I watched out my window door as the dark grew bigger over the world. I have no feelings right now. I can't think. I can move. I just can't speak. The thoughts on that note affected me so much. I dont even know what it means. All I know is that they are trying to threaten me with Alex#2 and the rest. I can't let he people I love suffer. If this is a prank then I actually might be happier, then if it wasnt. Alex#2 called me today and I could tell but her voice seemed off. It was shaky and muffle. What's up with her? She asked if I was alright which was strange considering she knew where I was going. As long as the creep asked for me and not her I'm good. If Alex#2 was ever in the danger I am right now, I don't know what I would do with myself. I swore to her that I would always keep her safe in my arms and if that promise ever was broken, I swear to god I would kill myself for her.

I looked over at the clock in my car and I was still in a garage of the recording studio. I sat here for 6 hours shocked. I didn't want to go back to the house for a reason. What of they asked me questions when I leave. It was 11:25pm. I need to get going if I want to make it there on time. My life is at stake and the best I could do right now is to get my mind off things till we get there.

I turned on the radio super loud and was jamming out to music. The weird thing was the music was so loud I know people could hear it from outside my car, but I don't seem to notice it. I am like day dreaming while driving. All my surroundings are invisible. I still have control in my driving to the point where I don't get into a car crash but I feel life less right now. I never felt this way. I feel like a ghost. It's strange how one bad thing in your life could affect you so much.

I made it to the building but I didn't want to go in yet. I couldn't exactly see in front of me. I turned all the car lights off and I sat there waiting for someone to come. The only light was from the moon. This place is scary and don't like it. I don't want to be seen yet so I turned all the music off including my car. I just stood there on my phone looking through my camera roll. Most of them were picture of Alex#2 and me.

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