Chapter 1: Please just shut up

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Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!

I groaned as I slapped at the annoying beeping not wanting to move from my precious warm bed. I accidentally knocked it off of my dresser table and it ceased beeping. I yawned and tried to ignore the hunger pangs that came on upon awakening. I hadn't eaten in a day besides a binge purge session I had last night and my stomach was reacting as usual. I forced myself to sit up and eventually get up. I walked into the bathroom and started my morning routine to get ready for school. My stomach let out another earth shattering rumble as Ana whispered in my ear.

No eating fatty. You don't need any more calories. If you can't tell that you don't need to add anything to your body then you're blind and stupid.

The voice continued to ring in my head condemning me for my flabby body as I tried to focus on making myself look presentable for school. Ana won out though and I found myself pinching the fat on my arms, thighs, and stomach. The sight in the mirror stopped me cold as I watched my face transform in horror. My hair was sticking out in a huge curly rat's nest and my face was smudged with yesterday's makeup. To make matters worse, the double chinned face had a fat body attached to it.

"Oh gosh Lizzy, you look like a fat version of Einstein's wife." I mumbled to myself while trying to tame my unruly light brown hair. The sight I had just beheld was a consequence of my midnight binging and purging session. Why couldn't I just control myself?

"Elizabeth! Come on down stairs. You need to eat." I heard my mom yell. I ignored her and continued with what I was doing. I didn't feel like giving her the time of day because she hated me and I hated her. Also, there was no way that I was going to eat breakfast. I didn't need that food to be in me. The rest of my routine was rushed as I wiped off the makeup to apply more on. I guess I could be pretty if I wasn't so fat.

Fifteen minutes later I hobbled down the stairs because let's face it, I was too fat to run, and hurried out the door to get to the bus. I didn't even bother to let my mom know I had left; I knew she didn't care. My mom and I had a bad history. I did something when I was younger that she hated me for ever since. After my dad left us about three months ago, she had altogether stopped trying to pursue a mother-daughter relationship with me and just focused on getting Brian all situated. When she wasn't putting all her time and energy into my six year old brother she was working one of her two jobs. She wasn't home a lot so I was in charge of taking care of the imbecile and trust me it's not fun. Brian had what you would call severe anger issues. It just wasn't in the least bit normal for a six year old to take a hammer to everything he owned while cursing the very day he was born. He went to counseling every other day so it was just mostly me alone.

It was nice to be alone after school because freshman year always promised extreme awfulness. It was the first semester too so it was already destined to be a bad year. I wasn't what you would call a genius but I wasn't dumb either. I managed to mostly pull through with B's and C's. I didn't really fit in anywhere because I was fat. I was stuck in my own little circle of "loser disease" with my two best friends. I got on the bus and sat down, quickly realizing Michelle wasn't there. Michelle was one of my two best friends. She must have gotten a ride from Christi, my other best friend...

"Hey psst... Hey you!" I quickly snapped out of my thoughts to the whisper I heard near my ear. I turned myself around in the bus to come straight to face with Andrew Walker, the school hottie and star quarterback.

"M..M...Me?" I stammered pointing to myself. I couldn't believe that this hot football star was talking to me. I mean, no one in the popular crowd had ever talked to me before.

"Yeah" he said smiling. Gosh, he has the perfect smile. I noticed how weird the situation was and quickly put my guard up. I was too ugly for this to turn out with him asking me on a date or something like that.

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