Chapter 28: Please don't leave me

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"Skinny cracker" Lianna whispered as she bumped into me in the hallway. I rolled my eyes and continued to my class. You ditched one school for the bullies and you pick up more at a new school. She had been at this for a couple of days, ever since she found out that I was Kevin's girlfriend and she wasn't. Kevin stayed true to his word though and stopped bothering me about eating. Brian had to complicate things for me though. I did eat every day, about 500-700 calories at the most and that was painful. I was really trying to do it for him. I wanted to visit him again but it was chance that I got to see him a few days ago.

"Hey Elizabeth, sit with me!" I lost my train of thought and looked at the person who was requesting my presence. It was Jill from my history class. I forced a smile on my face and sat down next to her. There were a couple of other people there but I wasn't interested in talking to them.

"So, do you have any idea what Mr. Wong is talking about?" I giggled and rolled my eyes.

"Does anyone know what he is talking about?"

"He's such a weirdo. Like who cares what the difference between Paleolithic and Neolithic people are"

"Not people societies. If you don't get that right you probably aren't going to pass the test"

We laughed with each other and the people at our table just ignored us.

"So Liz, how did you get to be Kevin's girlfriend?"

"Really Jill? Is that why you wanted me to come over here?"

Her brown eyes widened and she shook her head causing her short brown hair to swish in her face.

"No. No! Everyone is just curious... He doesn't date a whole lot"

"He blackmailed me into it!"


"I'm serious!"

"What did he blackmail you with?" A mousy looking girl at the table asked. Oh, so now they were paying attention to me.

"Something despicable and I can't tell you" I smirked at her and turned my gaze back to Jill who was still pouting.

"Oh come on!"

"Wouldn't be good black mail if I told you"

"Fine" She gave one last glare for emphasis before picking up her sandwich to eat.

"Hey, aren't you going to eat something?"

I looked at the apple on my tray and gestured to it.

"You're so skinny. You really should eat more"

"I eat tons at home"

"Yeah you should see how much she eats" I jumped at the voice behind me and looked up to see Kevin.


"Why aren't you sitting with us?"

"I'm sitting with my friend Jill"

"Then bring her over with us"

I looked over at Jill and it looked like someone just gave her a million dollars. I rolled my eyes at how pathetic she looked but I couldn't just break her heart by not letting her join us.

"Okay, come one Jill" She jumped up with a squeal and grabbed all of her books while the people at the table looked at her with envy.

We arrived at the "popular" table an sat down. Lianna looked up at us and scowled.

"What the hell? Two crackers now?"

"Lianna I would really appreciate it if you would shut your mouth or leave the table" Kevin glared at her. She opened her mouth to say something more but instead just shut it. She glared at me before turning to the girl Seslee and whispering to her.

The Voices of Ana and Mia (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now