Chapter 7: In my own little world

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I opened my mouth to tell her ask her how exactly when I saw a sudden shift. Andrew pushed the man off of him. He swung his fist and it collided with the man's nose. The man cursed Andrew while wiping the blood from his nose.

"You fight like you're father" Andrew swung at the man again but he saw it coming and dodged it. Andrew's eyes blazed with malice as he swung at him again. The man caught Andrew's fist in mid-punch and shoved it back towards him. Andrew stumbled backwards and a string of curses flew out of his mouth. After he readied himself, he looked at the man, glaring as he screamed.

"GET OUT OFF MY ROOM RIGHT NOW!" The man chuckled lightly but didn't budge. Andrew pointed his finger to the door in emphasis before opening his mouth again to yell.


"Before you go demanding me, remember you are in my house you worthless piece of crap and second, I am your uncle!"

"You really have the nerve to tell me you are my uncle? As if it has some precedent for..." Andrew whispered under his breath.

"What did you say boy?! Don't you dare disrespect me!" He lunged toward Andrew and pulled out something shiny. I squinted at it and jumped back when I realized it was a knife. What the hell! His uncle shoved Andrew onto the bed, straddling him, and held the knife to his throat. Andrew was struggling but he froze when he felt the cool blade on his skin.

"You respect me boy" He slowly dragged the knife across Andrew's throat causing a little bead of blood to appear. Andrew laid on the bed eyes wide in fear. His uncle looked at his scared face and laughed.

"You're such a wimp. Now shut up unless you really want me to slit your skinny throat." He got off of Andrew and walked out of the room still laughing lightly. Andrew narrowed his eyes and threw his pillow at the door. He wiped the blood off of his throat and pulled a bandage out of his drawer. His drawer was packed with band-aids, gauze, and antibiotic creams. He got up and slid out of his window and started running down the road.

"This isn't the first time is it Mia?" I asked. After witnessing this I didn't hate Andrew as much. He just pushed me around because he couldn't control what was going on at home. Mia stood stoically and shook her head.

"It's his problems, you have your own to deal with. Stop feeling bad for him and let's go" She took my hand and we were transported to another place I knew very familiarly. I was at Michelle's house. I didn't understand why and I turned to ask Mia only to find a young woman standing there.

"Where's Mia?" I asked while studying the woman. She was wearing a blood red dress while her long black hair cascaded in waves down her back.

"Mia is part of your own little world" She narrowed her black eyes at me glaring, "I am Madame Injury and I am going to explain your "best friend" to you because honestly Lizzy, you know nothing about her" She smirked as she started to walk up the stairs to Michelle's room.

"Right now, you are laying in a coma in the hospital and Michelle heard the news about you in school. She doesn't know how to cope but she wants to please you. You have her razors; you know the ones that Brian found. So yeah, she heard about what happened and she is blaming herself. She doesn't know what to do and she will go back to the same thing she always does. She is going to cut"

We arrived in Michelle's room only to find it empty. I looked around and found three broken razors scattered on her bed, the blades having been taken out of them.

"She is in the bathroom..." I rushed quickly over to the bathroom to find Michelle crying as she sat on the floor. Blood flowed down both of her wrists and into a small puddle on the floor.

"Oh Lizzy, I am so sorry. I thought I could quit but I can't. It's my entire fault that you are in the hospital right now, all my stinking' fault. I don't even know what to do with myself anymore. If you die, I will kill myself. I will slice my wrists deeper than this so I can join you. But then again, I will probably just go to hell while you are an angel in heaven, because it will be my fault if you die"

I found myself crying along with her. Did she know how much she meant to me?! I would never forgive myself if she killed herself. I didn't know that it was so serious; I just wanted to help her stop cutting...

"You are an awfully selfish girl you know that right?" Madam Injury rolled her eyes at me in disgust, "All you care about is your weight. You were trying to "help" Michelle but you failed miserably. You are the reason she is sitting in this bathroom cutting right now. You want to know something else Lizzy? Why do you think everyone in your life is abandoning you? It's because you are so stinking selfish. But go ahead and keep trying to lose weight. Just remember, you are going to be the death of her! You stay in her life, you will kill her. Every mean thing you've said, every tear you've shed, every pound that you've lost shows as a scar on her body. She is so scared that you are going to kill yourself in your stupidity. Do her a favor and stay away from her. YOU are the reason that she is cutting! You!"

My vision blurred around me and I once again found myself in the dark forest. Ed was standing there with his arms folded across his chest.

"So who are you going to choose? Me or them?"

I found myself unable to answer his question....

The Voices of Ana and Mia (Book 1)Where stories live. Discover now