Chapter 29: Sand and Glass

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"Everyone's been wondering where you've been" Christi's blue eyes stared at me in question. I tried to wipe the tears that were still on my face and struggled to answer her. People were actually wondering where I disappeared to? No, they were not wondering where I went they were wondering where the fat girl disappeared too. They were wondering where their victim had disappeared too.

"I don't care about them" I said in a tight voice. My throat felt like there was a ball in it and there was a definite pain factor in me by seeing Christi here.

"Michelle's worried about you" I scoffed in disgust. Michelle, who hadn't talked to me in the last two weeks. Michelle, who was by my side one minute and hating me the next. Yeah, I'm sure she's worried about me. The only thing she has to worry about is if her "friends" will see her scars or not. Michelle doesn't care about me anymore. No one at that school does.

"I was worried about you" She came and sat beside me. She looked worried, sad, and... vulnerable.

"No, you weren't" I snorted out. We are talking about Christi here. The girl who ditched me for a glitter Barbie. The girl who may have tried to stick up for me in her own confusing way but never cared enough to actually ditch Bianca. She sighed deeply and wrapped her arms around herself.

"Why do you hate me?" Her question caught me off guard and I heard myself suck in a breath. Why did I hate Christi? I didn't hate her... I just didn't trust her or particularly like her anymore. It wasn't hate.

"I don't hate..."

"Oh cut the crap Elizabeth"

"I don't hate you!" I said between gritted teeth. She rolled her eyes and continued to hug herself. We sat in silence for a while. Today had been bad enough with the Sydney flashback, the last thing I needed was to see Christi and remember all our good memories.

It was probably two years ago that Christi and I had gone to hand out at a beach most of the summer. It was a gorgeous beach and pink sunset was cascading on the night. We were sitting there with our cute new bathing suits that we had gotten. Hers a dandelion yellow color and mine a hunter green. I was probably pushing 160 then and she was getting her womanly curves in all the right places. We were talking about the future and what our big dreams were. Back then I had a dream. I knew what I wanted to be and it wasn't skinny. Heck that was the last thought on my mind. She and I were sitting there laughing silently over our dreams of being models and actresses. We were going to take over the world together we believed. We were going to be forever together.

"Hey Lizard, do you ever think..." She wandered off in her own thoughts. I picked up a handful of sand and watched it slip through my finger tips. It was so beautiful, the whole night.

"Do I ever think what?" She looked at me then blushed before shaking her head.

"Never mind"

"Wait! What were you going to say?" When she wouldn't tell me I tackled her into the sand and tickled her. She was shrieking high pitched laughter while rolling around in the sun trying to get me off of her. Finally when she was gasping for air I let her go and we went back to sitting in the sand.

"What would happen if one or both of us become self-absorbed, yah know. Like we see in the movies. People stop thinking about each other and they just think about themselves and everything falls apart?"

"That won't happen to us" I smiled at her and grasped her hand. I picked up another pile of sand and watched it slip through my fingers.

"It's kind of like this sand. We can hold it in our hand as firmly as we want yet sand still slips through. But there is always some sand that you can grasp and keep in your hand. And what you still have in your hand you better hold on tightly too. That's what we are going to be like. Our love and loyalty for each other will be the last thing left in our hands and we better hold on tightly because it's all we got left."

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