Chapter 9: One problem at a time

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I was dreading this day. I did not want to go to school today. I stayed absent for a week after my accident and my mom said it was time for me to go back. Michelle had been bringing in my homework and sleeping over to help me with it, and to basically just stay with me. The good side of the accident was that I had dropped six pounds and my mom was letting me eat less because of my head injury. There was no way though, that I was ready to go back to school.

"Elizabeth! Are you ready to go? We are leaving in five" My mom hollered up the stairs.

"Hey Liz, it will be okay. I'll stick with you" I grasped Michelle's hand and felt the love and support. I wish I hadn't spent so much time engrossed with the Christi issue because Michelle turned out to be an even better friend than Christi had been all my life. Before I knew it we were walking into the doors of Mark Shire High School. As I walked in I noticed the people's stares and whispers. Oh here comes the fat girl. I mentally rolled my eyes and smirked as I thought; I won't be for long. Michelle cast a quick questionable glance at me, probably wondering why I was smirking. Idiots, I mouthed to her and she smiled back, all worry leaving her face. I left her to go to my first class wishing that the day would end fast.

My head was spinning as I entered the lunchroom and went to find a seat by Michelle. The stress of the day caused me to have a major headache and an upset stomach. I plopped next to Michelle and rested my head in my arms.

"What's wrong!"

"Just a headache... don't worry about it Mickey"

She opened her mouth to say something but then closed it. She mumbled something about getting lunch and then left. I wonder what's up with her? I lifted my head up and looked around the cafeteria. Andrew was sitting with his jock idiots and Christi was sitting with Bianca and the other school glitter barbies, but I didn't care about them. My eyes roamed and stopped when they landed on a small girl sitting alone. Kim. She wasn't eating anything nor did it look like she was about to eat. It was weird that before the dream I never would have guessed she was anorexic, I just thought she was always that small. Michelle came back and sat down with what looked like a moldy pizza.

"What is that?!" I asked, wrinkling my nose.

"I think it's pepper pizza" She pushed the unattractive piece around, every once in a while stabbing it.

"I think it's mold, don't eat it. For the sake of your health" She let out a quiet laugh and threw it away. It felt nice to not have to watch her eat and crave the food she was eating.

"Hey Mickey, do you see that girl over there?" I asked, shifting my eyes towards Kim.

"Kimberly Stock?" A frown formed on her face, "What about her?"

"She looks kinda lonely. I think we should sit with her" She sighed and stood and motioning me to follow. I wonder what Michelle was so upset about. We sat down across from her. She looked at us and glared. Suspicion in her eyes.

"What do you two want?" I was taken aback by her anger.

"We just thought you would like the company" Kim laughed bitterly and rolled her eyes.

"Well I don't so you can just leave" I raised my eyebrows in shock, not understanding her bitterness.

"Just thought you would like the company, geesh" I got up and picked up my stuff to leave, Bethany following suit.

"Why would I want fat girl and cutter girl sitting with me?" Michelle instantly froze up. My mouth dropped open in shock. How did she know Michelle cut?

"Fine then, go sit by yourself, no wonder no one likes you. You're such a bitch" Michelle walked away but curiousity caused me to stay and seek out answers.

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