Chapter 8: The answer to your question

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I was finally out of the hospital but I still couldn't answer Ed's question. All I had was a concussion so I was good to go. It was great getting out of the stupid hospital. A bunch of curious onlookers from school had come visit me. I later found out that they wanted to know if I had had a heart attack or something from obesity. I hate them. I really do. But on the brighter note I got some really cute stuffed teddy bears. The doctor hadn't said anything about my weight which was, in my eyes, a bad thing. It meant that I wasn't thin enough to raise concern. I knew I wasn't thin enough but I was at least hoping some chemical in my body wasn't normal so the doctor could ask about my eating.

"Hey, Liz? You there?" I snapped out of my thoughts and looked at Michelle. She was staying over my house because I gave her too much of a scare with my almost "death". We were currently in the room just discussing different things but all the talking was starting to give me a headache.

"Oh yeah, guess it's just the pain meds. They make me kind of out of it." I hated lying to Michelle but in all honesty I wasn't interested in what we were talking about. I was actually very worried that I couldn't answer Ed's question that he had presented me in my unconscious state. Weird, I know.

"Oh alright then... I'm glad you're home." She smiled brightly. I didn't understand that she could be so happy that I was alive. I wasn't happy that I was alive. I was hoping to be in a coma or something for a month so I could lose some mega weight. That wasn't happening though so I guess I just had to go with it.

"Me too" I sighed and flipped over on my bed almost pushing Michelle off. She shoved me back and we started a small fight before I was sitting there holding my head because of the headache that came on. Michelle stopped immediately and we continued to sit in boredom.

"You want to hear about Christi?"

"What about her?" Finally something I was interested in. I hadn't really talked to Christi in a couple of weeks. Well, ever since that huge fight that we had over the phone.

"Well apparently, she has her very first boyfriend and according to rumor things got very steamy at a party."

"What?! Christi? Miss I am not going to lose it until I get married!" I smiled in joy. I really was a wicked person. It made me feel much better hearing about Christi's downfall and even though she was in the "in" crowd people were starting to gossip about her. I wondered if the rumors were true. I knew Christi liked to play on the wild side but this didn't seem like her.

"It's probably just a rumor, but she is almost sixteen. Hello Sixteen, goodbye virginity!" "Mickey!" I started laughing really hard after that. It wasn't so much that it was funny. It was the fact that she sang it like it was some beautiful song that had me going.

Ever since I had gotten out of the hospital Michelle hadn't left my side. In all honesty, I had no idea what to do about her. If I stayed friends with her I would kill her; if I dumped her as a friend I would kill her. It was a lose-lose situation. So I decided that I would stay friends with her. The last thing I wanted to do to her was what Christi did to me.

"Do you have any recollection of what happened after you hit your head? Did you get slight amnesia?"

"Sadly no, I remember it all." It wasn't worth remember either, let me tell you.


"I got them from Lizzy's room"

My mom turned and gave me a hard look. I almost glared back at her but I decided against it. I needed to choose my battles wisely and that was a stupid battle. She turned back to Brian and began to clean up his wounds. She was taking forever so bag this. I started to leave to go to my room but she caught me.

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