Chapter 22: Sydney's P.O.V- Loss

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I've always hated him, my little brother Kenneth. He was the youngest and the most favorite. Everyone always expected him to succeed in everything because he did. He used to be a nice kid too, until the power got to his head. My little brother and I used to be best friends. Thirteen and eleven, at that age the world was ours and we were going to take it together. I always could count on him to back me up in situations, he had my back and I had his. We ruled the neighborhood of that tiny town. The Stam brothers, we were re-named the Stomp brothers because we pounded anyone who got in our way. Then I turned, he turned thirteen and he started sports. My little brother stayed after school for practice and I found myself joining a basement band because I wasn't agile enough to play sports. It wasn't long before Ken was the name everyone was talking about. He wowed the coach by breaking the school's two-year record of threes. He dominated as the quarterback on the football team, and he was the main pitcher in baseball. Every girl wanted him, every guy wanted to be like him, and every school was offering him scholarships. My parents, who used to encourage my band, kicked us out of the basement and told us to go somewhere else. They were too busy glowing in my little brother's glory. He wasn't mean though, he always invited me to sit with him and he brought me to the parties that he was invited to but I felt wrong. I was the older brother; I was supposed to be the popular one. Instead though, I was tagging on with my little brother, like a small child.

My band got popular away from my school and we got invited to our first paying gig after only a couple months of being together. My parents hated that I would leave the house and play in bars and such but they never stopped me from doing it. I got popular with my band outside of the school while my brother was worshipped at school. When I was seventeen I got my first steady girlfriend. It felt weird, you know, because she wasn't drooling over my brother like all the other girls. I would bring her to concerts and dedicate songs to her. She would always be holding a sign that said cute little things like THE BAND LEADER IS MINE BITCHES. I loved her so much and I thought she loved me. Then I found her in my brothers bed. Don't even bother asking if she was clothed, do you really need to know. I got in a fight with my brother and I swung at him. I hit him and hit him and hit him but not once did he swing back. He was crying, my little brother was crying and it wasn't because it hurt because he had the build of a football player, nothing hurt him. I broke it off with my girlfriend Sheryl without even blinking an eye even through her tears. He could have had any girl in the school and he took my girlfriend! I stopped talking to him for years and started to travel the road with my peers.

When I was eighteen I headed off to Penn State to get my Bachelors in Music. I didn't return home for two years because I was still angry at my brother. I got a girlfriend at the college named Trisha and she encouraged me to go home and reconcile with my brother. So with my guitar and girlfriend at my side I headed home at the age of 20. I was not ready for what I saw at home.

There was a beautiful girl there, young, cute, and incredibly flirtatious. I could see the love in my brother's eyes when he looked at her. We also got meet with some other astounding news, his girlfriend, Melissa was pregnant. She automatically wanted to abort it but Kennith being the good old boy he was gave up his scholarships and married her. They started off young and I knew it wouldn't last. I got engaged to Trisha that summer and we planned to be married that winter. That was not to happen though because August 13th she died in a car accident, was hit by a drunk driver and stayed at the hospital for two days before she died. It wasn't fair you know because my little brother was about to have a baby and was married and I had just lost the love of my life. I tried to move on and because of Trisha I made up with my brother. He invited me over for every holiday and I came and watched the love he had for his beautiful daughter Elizabeth. When Elizabeth turned five I did something stupid. I kissed Melissa because I could help but want her beauty. After that we started to see each other behind my brother's back and I knew that she didn't really love my brother. I felt I was justified in stealing his wife because he stole my girlfriend. Then his stupid little "princess" caught us once in the kitchen and our secret relationship was no longer secret. I remember the argument we had. He, in his anger, rubbed it in my face that Sheryl wanted to lose her virginity to him instead of me and I told him that I slept with his wife. Kenneth started to drink after that and when he found out Melissa was pregnant again he became a full out alcoholic. I'm not judging him because I was addicted to liquor but I lost my fiancée, I had a real reason to drink.

The baby boy was born and Melissa was unsure of it was mine or my little brothers. Kenneth stopped inviting me over and told me if he ever saw my face again then he would kill me. I stayed away for 6 years. One day though, Melissa came to me with the little boy who was a replica of me. She told me that he was definitely my kid and that Kenneth had left her after roughing her around. We made plans after that to continue in the lost relationship that we had. She would call me often crying about how much of a mess Elizabeth was and how she was just as stubborn as Ken. I hated that little girl with all my heart. She ruined the beautiful relationship I had with my brother and the secret relationship I had with Melissa. I vowed that when I saw her I would make her hurt just as much as I hurt with the loss of the relationship I had with my brother; And pay she did. With the bruises and cuts that covered her body from my drunken rage. I felt slightly bad for beating her but I just released all my anger on her because she was the cause of so much of my pain and she looked exactly like my brother. She only stayed for a week before she was shipped off to Ken. The only problem was that she had a deep relationship with Brian and now Brian hated me.

I know that I shouldn't have hurt Elizabeth in front of him but when I was drunk or angry I didn't care who was there. She wasn't even here anymore and she was continuing to ruin my life. My only flesh and blood would look at me with such fear and hate it made me want to put a gun to my head. I loved Brian, with all my heart but he would not love me back. Once again Kenneth was ruining my life. This time his "precious" daughter was stealing MY son! Brian would love me. He has too. I can't lose my son too. I just can't. I won't lose the last thing that I ever loved to my brother. How can I make it up to Brian without showing any love to anything of Kenneths? I can't lose my son. I just can't.

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