Chapter 21: Brian P.O.V-The Ultimate Sneakiness

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He's nasty. Everything about him reeks with sick gross smelly evilness. He sent Lizzie away; he sent what I loved more than anything on earth away. I'm obsessed with ice cream sandwiches and mommy keeps buying them for me but I would trade every tasty vanilla ice cream sandwich just to see Lizzie again. My stomach hurts a lot because I have a big hole there. My big sissy could always make me feel better but now she's gone. Uncle keeps telling me to call him daddy but I can't. My real daddy would never hurt my sister like he did. I was so scared when he kept hitting her and hitting her and hitting her. I kept screaming and telling him to stop but he wouldn't stop hitting her. I dream about it every night now. I can't shake all the blood and screaming and the look on pain on her face from my mind.

"Melissa, he's hunched over again!" I heard him yell. I didn't even realize I was rocking back and forth on the ground. I hugged my knees tighter to my stomach to take away the pain. The pain started in the hole in stomach all the way to my heart and wrapped around it like a snake. I just needed Lizzie's kisses and hugs to make me feel better. My face started to hurt and I knew the tears were coming. No! No! They can't come now; I promised Lizzie I'd be a big brave boy. I shook my head and could hear myself muttering no, no, no.

"Brian! Brian! Look at me baby! Look at me!" I could hear my mommy talking to me but I couldn't answer her. I felt wetness on my cheeks and I started to shake my head harder to keep the tears from falling. My body started to shake as I rocked back and forth faster and faster. Mommy kept trying to stop me from rocking but I couldn't.

"Brian, Brain baby what's wrong?" She kept talking to me but my stomach and face hurt too much for me to answer her.

"Melissa! What is wrong with this kid?! Brian, Man up! Stop crying like a sissy!" When he said sissy I felt the stomach pain go away super fast. I felt a tingling in my arms as I clenched them tight. I told Lizzie I was going to try to get rid of my anger but I couldn't control it.


"Brian breath, you don't want to me angry"


"Don't you disrespect your mother, boy!"

"She's not my mother, my mother would never be that mean to me! My mother would never sit back and watch my sister get beat! SHE IS NOT MY MOTHER!" I got up from my crouched position and suddenly I felt so powerful. I picked up the book that were on the side table and threw them with all my might at my mommy. She lifted her hands to protect her face but she missed and it hit her anyway. I felt a laugh bubble up inside of me until it just came right out. I laughed out loud as my mommy started crying. Uncle looked really mad and started to walk towards me. I turned around and ran out of the living room and up the stairs to Lizzie's old room. I slammed the door and locked it. I stopped laughing and smile to myself as I heard Uncle's pounding on the door. I walked over to Lizzie's bed which was the same as how she left and crawled in. I pulled the covers over my head and ignored the banging on the door. I closed my eyes and imagined Lizzie sleeping right next to me.

"I miss you Lizzy" I said to the empty space where she usually slept.

"I miss you too buddy" I smiled as I imagined her talking to me. I could almost feel her fingers brushing through my hair. She always made me feel just right, better than any ice cream sandwich could make me.

"When are you coming back home?" I said again to the empty space.

"I don't know buddy, when I get better" My sissy was sick. She always felt like the world was spinning and she would limp a lot. This happened even before Uncle came to live with us. I heard her throwing up in the bathroom to a lot. I didn't know that you could have the stomach bug so long. She also would cuddle up in a lot of blankets that made me hot. She always said that she was freezing and her finger tip would be cold when she touched me. I didn't know what she was sick with but I hope she got better soon.

"When you get better you better rush over here soon"

"Why don't you just call me buddy" I shoot up out of the bed and pulled out the little piece of paper I carried with me everywhere. Her phone number was on it and I quickly scanned through the numbers. I needed to get to a phone. I knew that I was in big trouble for hitting mommy so I had to apologize before I could use the phone. I tiptoed to the door and listened for any sound. When I didn't hear anything I opened the door real quiet like and tiptoed down the stairs. I saw Mommy and Uncle sitting on the couch talking.

"What am I suppose to do Sydney? He's obsessed with her and these panic attacks that he has are only getting worse. Plus he's getting violent again"

"I ain't gonna lay a hand on my flesh and blood Melissa so it's up to you to punish him"

"SYDNEY! What should I do?!"

"Bootcamp! Military school! A private school?! I don't know Melissa, that's not my responsibility"

"He's your son! Help me in this!"

"Let me talk to Lizzy and I'll stop" Their heads shot up to where I was standing on the stairs.


"Let me talk to her and I'll stop"

"Listen to your mother boy!"

"Shut up Uncle, I won't stop until you let me talk to her"

"You wanna disrespect me son?" He got up from the table and started to walk towards the stairs. My heart was beating really fast and I felt like I was going to fall over but I had to do this.

"I won't stop fighting with you or disrespecting you or being all mad unless you let me talk to her once every week" Uncle stopped walking up the stairs and looked at mommy. She started crying again.

"Elizabeth poisoned my son's brain!" She cried out.

"No you can't talk to her, you better start shaping up regardless of if you get to talk to her or not"

"I will call her and you are going to let me!"

"Excuse me?"

"You will let me talk to her"

"That's it!" He rushed up the stairs and grabbed my arm. I started to punch him as he dragged me to my room. I screamed and screamed as I reached my hands into his pocket. I kneed him in his special spot and he yelped in pain. I grabbed the phone quick out of his pocked and slipped it into my pants. He was too in pain to notice I took it and threw me into my bedroom. I closed the door and pushed my desk chair against it. I smiled to myself as I looked as his phone. I pulled out my little paper and dialed the numbers. I held my breath as I heard the first ring...

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