Chapter 26: 60 pounds lighter and 100 more times messed up

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"So this school isn't like the hellhole I attended before?" Kevin's face held that pained look. I don't know how this boy who cringed when I cursed was a drug addict.

"No, it shouldn't be like your school. If you stick with me anyway" I raised my eyebrow at him and withheld a laugh. So, Mr. Kevin was a hot shot at this school.

"Why would me staying near you help me be able to survive the rest of my junior year?"

"Because people know me, now are you going to continue to question me or just shut up and go with it?"

I pursued my lips but kept quiet. I needed a friend in this school and Kevin was the only person I really knew. Besides we hung out at my dad's house almost everyday. I had gotten used to his presence and he accepted me with my eating "issues" and I accepted his drug addiction.

"I'm sorry Jen, I didn't mean to sound harsh"

"Why did you call me Jen?" Kevin was a strange sort but I liked him for the most part. His was about five feet eight inches and a really skinny kid. He had little muscles but his face was hardened. I mean he still had his boyish features to his face but you could see the regret in his natural expression.

"Because, you have always been Jennifer in my thoughts and not Elizabeth"

"I shouldn't have lied to you"

"In your defense, I was a stranger" I laughed as he quoted me from the third time we ever talked. Technically it was the second time because I passed out in his presence before I even said anything.

"Are you nervous?" This was one thing that I loved about Kevin. Despite his nosy attitude he really did care. I couldn't tell Kevin the truth though. I was a nervous mess. The last day of school I had been called an anorexic freak before I ditched out. It felt like a century ago but the pain was still fresh.

"I'll be fine" I forced through my teeth. I tried to fake a smile but it came out as more of a grimace. He put his arm around me and I felt myself relax a little more.

"Just stick with me and school will be a breeze"

"No offense Kevin but the person I see now at my dad's house would be shark bait at my old high school"

"In school... I act a little differently. Just don't expect that Kevin, which is the real me, to make much of an appearance here"

I opened my mouth to say something but the car stopped and we got out.

"Bye dad" I said over my shoulder as Kevin and I walked into the school, his arm still around me.

The school, Stanton High, was not a big school but wasn't small by any means. I hoped that I could just blend in. Then again, I wasn't 5000 pounds so I wouldn't stick out as much.

We entered the school doors and Kevin led me down the hall the Main office.

"Yo Kev! What up nigga?!" I looked to the sound of the voice and saw a black kid approaching us. He was about the same height as Kevin but much more well-built and muscular. He had a cute goatee and was wearing a bulls cap backwards.

"Xyan my man! How you've been brother!" Kevin's voice changed from the soft one I was used to, to a rough hardened and deeper sound. He let go of my shoulders and gave Xyan a half hug while they slapped each other around.

"Kev? Is this your new hot white girlfriend? Lianna is not going to be pleased"

I blushed at his description of me and I felt so completely out of place.

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