Chapter 27: All I ever wanted

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I've waited and waited for her to call back but she hasn't. I thought she cared about me? Do I really mean so little to her that she won' even email me back? I wiped my runny nose with my sleeve and tried to pull myself together. I called Lizzy two weeks ago and she has not called back yet. She told me to call her anytime but I guess she didn't mean it.

"Mommy! MOMMY! My tummy hurts!"

I was laying in my bed and I had been there for forever, like a half an hour. Mommy ran in and when she saw my puffy face ran over to my side. She was petting my face and saying that she loved me. She kept asking me what was wrong but I couldn't tell her. I know she would get mad if I told her that I had called Lizzy. Uncle Sy had already spanked me for stealing his phone. It hurt but it only made me more mad because it reminded me of the time that he would smack Lizzy around and I knew it was only a matter of time before he hit me like that.

"Brian Baby. What's wrong? Baby please tell me" My mommy's soothing voice just made me start to cry all over again. She took me in her arms and rocked me back and forth. All I could think about was Lizzy holding me in her arms. I needed Lizzy back.

"Hey baby, why don't you take a little rest. I'm going to go run over to the grocery store and buy you some stuff for your tummy okay?"

I shook my head yes and crawled out of her arms into my bed. I pulled the covers over my head and only peaked out when I heard her leave. Feeling exhausted from crying and worrying I feel asleep.

*thunk* *thunk* *thunk*

Huh? I rubbed my eyes to wake up and was curious to know what was hitting my window. It was pitch black outside so I must have been asleep for a couple of hours.


I climbed out of my bed and went over to the window. I know in scary movies this is the part where you see the face staring at you and then they take out their axe and chop your head off but I wasn't scared though. Well, maybe I was a little scared. I held my breath and looked out the window. There were two people standing in the yard a couple of feet away from my window. One was holding a flashlight and I could tell it was a girl because she had long hair.

I opened my window and whispered loudly "Hello?" A rock flew into my bedroom and barely missed my head. I shrieked and jumped back.

"Brian! It's me!" Lizzy? What? It couldn't be her; she was at her dad's house. She moved closer to my window with the light and her face became more familiar. It was her!


"SHHH! Climb out the window!" I was still in my pajamas and it was February but I didn't care about the cold. I just wanted to see her. I climbed out of my window and jumped into her arms. The cold felt like a slap in the face. She took off her coat and put it around me. I got out of her arms and she grasped my hand and we walked away from the house and down the road. The boy that she was with was on the other side of her and he was holding her other hand. I wanted to yell at him because Lizzy was mine but I thought it must be her boyfriend and she wouldn't like it if I got mad at him. I wanted to say something to her but she had a hard look on her face that made me keep quiet. We climbed into a car that was parked on the side of the street and Lizzy and I climbed into the back while Kevin jumped into the driver's side.

"Oh Brian! I missed you so much!" The boy in the front turned on the car light so I was able to see the tears trickle down her face. My heart clenched and I launched myself into her chest. She wrapped her arms around me and squeezed me tighter than a snake. I could feel her body shaking with sobs and I hugged her tighter so she wouldn't be so sad. I could feel her bones when I hugged her and my heart dropped because I knew that meant she was still sick.

"How did you get here?" I had stopped hugging her so instead I just rested my head on her chest and listened to her heart beat.

"Kevin and I were driving around and I saw that Melissa and Sydney were eating out. I took the opportunity to come see you before they got here"

"Is Kevin your boyfriend?" She laughed lightly and I realized just how much I missed her laugh.

"Yeah Bud, he is"

"I thought I was the only man for you"

"You are buddy. I'm just using Kevin when you aren't around"

"HEY! I heard that!" We both giggled when we saw Kevin's fake angry face. I took her hand into both of mine and saw all the sore that were on it. I rubbed her hand to make her hand feel better because the sores looked like they hurt.

"Why didn't you answer my call?"

"I was in the hospital buddy, I tried calling back but you called me from Sydney's phone. He was very mad about me calling"

"You were in the hospital because you were sick, weren't you?"

"Wh...wh...what? I'm not sick. I'm just fainted"

"You still bony, that means you're sick..."

"Wow Elizabeth, you didn't tell me your little brother was so wise"

"Shut the hell up Kevin! Brian... I'm fine... How have you been?"

"He spanked me for calling you"


"Yeah, so I probably won't call you again for a while..."

"No, he shouldn't be laying a hand on you EVER! I'm so sorry baby, I'm so sorry"

She had wrapped me up in her arms again but it didn't soothe me. All I could feel were her bones and I knew that she was in big trouble.

"Promise me you'll eat"


"Please Lizzy, eat! I don't want you to die... I need my big sister. Please promise me you'll eat so that you can get better and come back to live with me"



"Okay... fine..."

"Hey! Alert! We gotta get him back to the house. Dinner date is over"

Lizzy sighed heavily and opened the door to the car. After being in a heated car the cold was torture. I still had Lizzy's coat on as we approached my open window. She looked at me sadly before picking me up again and squeezing the life out of me. She kissed me on the head a million times and whispered I love you even more.

"Come see me again!"

"Maybe sometime buddy! I miss you so much! Be good! I'll come save you soon!"

She hoisted me into the window before turning and running back into the darkness. I shut the window and climbed back into bed, her coat still around me. A couple seconds later I heard the door open and I pulled the covers over my head and pretended to sleep. My door creaked open and I heard mommy and Sydney whispering.

"It's so cold in here! Sydney, is the heat working?"

"I'll check in the morning"

"Look at him; he's sound asleep, such a little angel"

"An explosive angel"

"Sydney! Now that Elizabeth is not influencing his life he'll get better"

"Sure hope so Melissa..."

The door closed and I felt myself smiling as I took in the scent of Lizzy's jacket. Now I had here near and she might come to visit me again. She's back in my life and that's all I ever wanted.

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