Are you kidding me?

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"beep, beep, beep...!" I got up from my bed and turned off the Alarm clock. I quickly went into the bathroom which was designed based on the spring theme. I looked in the mirror and kind of stared at my reflection. My skin tone was pretty fair. According to my friends, I was really beautiful and I will admit that I wasn't just decent looking. After staring at the mirror for about I don't know more than 5 minutes, I started finishing my daily chores.

After about an hour later, I was ready to meet the devil. Before leaving my room, I did a last minute check up on me. I was wearing tight blue denim jeans with a black crop top and white sneakers. I went downstairs to see my dad and mom who were already having breakfast at the table.

"Good morning, mom. Good morning, dad." I said while grabbing the slice of an apple from the dish.

"Good morning beta." Mom said. "Look at you. You look so beautiful. Now remember one thing, don't talk too much with Ankur and try to behave nicely with him." Mom said. I rolled my eyes at her comments.

"Kavya, your mom is right. Try to BEHAVE." Dad said while sipping his coffee.

Behave my foot, I said to myself. "Okay, now can I go or you want your daughter to get late on the very first meeting with her FUTURE HUSBAND? " I implied more force on the last words just to see the annoying face of my dad.

As soon as I was about to grab my car keys, "Sham will take you to the palace." Dad interrupted.

Sham was one of our drivers. "But dad I am capable of driving and I can go by myself," I said folding both my arms.

"Kavya, no further arguments". Urghhh why do everyone like to control me?

"Good morning Mam," Sham who is in his middle 30s said with a wide smile while opening the car door for me. I sat inside, still with a mad face. I knew why dad wanted Sham to drive me, so that he can be assured that I went to the green palace or not. I am telling you, Sham must be his detective.

 After about good 25 minutes, We finally reached Green Palace hotel. I stepped out of the car and ordered Sham to wait for me. I went inside the hotel, jezzz the hotel was really lavish. Of course, rich people's place, I said with annoyance. I went to the receptionist and asked her about Ankur Khanna. She took me to the reserved area.

All of a sudden my heart started beating fast. I was nervous, for the first time, in the long run, Miss Kavya Gupta was nervous. I quickly looked at the table to find the sign of the person I was looking for. I was kind of relieved when I saw no one sitting on the table. "Mam, sir will be with you in a minute. Why don't you take the seat." The waiter told me.

I quickly took the seat while waiting for him. What a first good impression I must say, LATE on the very first date. Did I just say date? Shut up Kavya and focus on what you have came here for. While I was looking through the social media on my phone to kill the time, I was startled by the beautiful yet manly sound that was directed towards me.

"You must be Kavya right?" I looked up at the sound and the person from where it came from. HOLY SHIT. I cannot believe my eyes. Right in front of me was standing a hot, attractive young guy. His eyes were so beautiful and deep. However, his face was expressionless with a stiff jaw line. I was too busy ogling his body that I doubt I heard anything that he was saying. He took a seat, I think he knew that I was checking him.

"If you are done checking me out, can we talk? I don't have time to seat here all day". He snapped at me arrogantly. How dare he?

"Why did you even bother to come here then? " I snapped back at him proudly. He was kind of taken back by my response. He stared at me with a blank face. oh gosh, am I in trouble? He finally smirked at me.

"Attitude huh! I like that," He said while still smirking.

I didn't reply back. I just glared at him with rolling eyes.

He, ignoring my look, started talking, "Like I said, I don't have time for this stupid things. So let me just clarify some "stuff" for you."

He continued, "After our marriage, we will be moving to London, as most of my businesses take place there. I don't like when people interfere in my matter, so kindly stay out of my zone. I am not interested in this marriage at all because all I care for is the business deal between your dad's company and our company which will yield more than 75% profit. So we will be husband and wife for the world, but I have no intention to make love to you. You do you and I do me. In short, after marriage, you don't interfere in my life and I don't interfere in your life. UNDERSTAND?"

I can't believe what I just heard. What does he think of me? A business deal? No, that ain't happening. I stood up from the chair and barked at him,"No Mister, I don't understand. I don't understand how stupid you can be to think that I will marry you especially after what you just said. In fact, I was never intending on marrying you, but thanks to your brilliant proposal I am now assured on my decision of not marrying you. " I turned to leave when I felt a hand on my wrist. Tingling sensation felt all over my body.

"Oh baby, don't even think about doing that." He said while still holding my wrist.

"Leave me, how dare you touch me?" I snapped at him angrily trying to get rid of his hold.

"Hasn't anyone taught you manners to talk with your husband babes?" He said while trying to come closer to me. He came closer and closer to me. His mouth just inches away from mine.

"You are not my husband yet and what are you doing?" I stammered.

"Kavya, I thought you were smarter than my anticipation, but I think I was wrong." He said with a wink. I rolled my eyes at that.

"What do you mean by that, care to explain?" I said with a sarcasm. He let go of my hold and said while looking straight into my eyes.

"I have a proposal for you. I know you are not happy with this marriage thingy and so am I. So let's have a deal. We still marry each other. You, for your dad's sake which you have to either way and me for this business profit. But, after marriage like I said, you have no obligations like you have in your own family. You live like a free bird. Just think about it, Babe. "

"I am not your babe." After saying that, I stormed out of that place of course not before hearing his last words.

"I know you will make a smart move babe, see you on our wedding day."

So how was the part guys? Did you like it? Make sure you comment below and let me know about it. Also, don't forget to vote. :)

Find out what will happen next in Ankur and Kavya's life in another part that is coming up soon.

Keep supporting and showing your love guys.

Thanks. Love y'all.

Some of my friends have suggested me to put the pic of the guy who is up there. But, I personally like guy down here. haha!!!! So feel free to imagine anyone of the guys here as Ankur.

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