Chapter 18

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It's been exactly 1 hour since Ankur left my room and here I am, again crying my heart out, alone with absolutely no one to share my pain. I was standing on my balcony watching the beautiful sky filled with sparkling stars. Why can't my life be full of sparkles? It's a dream of every girl to get married and have kids. Every girl wants and wishes that her husband gives all the happiness in the world and shower her with love. Even I had dreams growing up. Even I wanted someone in my life who can love me and take care of me. I think it's true when people say that sometimes you just don't get what you want!

Soon, I heard a knock on my door following a familiar voice.

"Kavya, open the door!" It was Abheer.

I immediately went to open the door. As soon as I opened the door, I saw Abheer, standing there breathing heavily with messy hair and looking angry as hell.

"Why weren't you picking up my phone?" He shouted at me while storming inside the room. Why is everyone shouting at me tonight?

"Look Abheer, I don't want to talk about anything tonight," I said calmly.

"What do you mean you don't want to talk Kavya? Do you even know how worried I was when you weren't picking up your phone? For god's sake , you should have at least pick up my phone and tell me if you were okay or not," Abheer said while moving his hand over his hair.

I looked at my crashed phone on the floor; all thanks to Ankur. Abheer looked at me and then to the crashed phone. He was looking shocked.

"What happened here Kavya? Tell me " He said while holding my arms.

"Abheer, there is nothing to talk about. Why can't you just leave me alone?" I said while going away from him towards the balcony. Tears were rolling down my cheeks.

Abheer came to the balcony and turned me around to face him. I looked over his eyes to see nothing but pain. He was actually in pain while looking at me crying. He suddenly raised his hand up towards my face. I was still confused as to what he was going to do next. But, the next thing he did was what I wanted Ankur to do. He rubbed my tears with his thumb and stared into my eyes. He said nothing instead just slowly pulled me into his warmth. I cried my heart, he said nothing, but let me cry on his shoulder, rubbing my back.

"Kavya, please tell me what happened.." Abheer whispered while rubbing my back.

I didn't know from where to start. Abheer had no idea about me and Ankur. Should I tell him that I am married to his biggest rival? But, Ankur had told me to not tell anyone. What should I do? Abheer likes me and I didn't want him to suffer because of me. He deserves someone better than me. It's his right to know the truth about me.

"Abheer, please promise me that you will not do anything stupid after what I say," I said while looking into his eyes.

"Kavya, what is it? You are scaring me. Just tell me," He said with a panic face.

"Ankur is my husband. We have been married for the last 2 months, " I said while trying to hold back my tears.

"You did not just say that, " Abheer said with anger.

"Abheer it's complicated, but it's the truth and it will be better if you accept it sooner, " I said.

"I don't believe it," He said.

"That's the truth!"

"If it's the truth, then why the fuck are  you guys not together? What the hell is Ankur doing with Sasha?" He shouted while grabbing my arms. He was holding it so tight that it started hurting me.

"Abheer, it was an arranged marriage and I know that Ankur doesn't love me. I had no choice but to marry him. I thought that after marriage, it would get sorted but I was wrong," I cried.

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