Chapter 22

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It was currently 8:00 AM in the morning and I was eating the breakfast with mom. Ankur was still sleeping in his bedroom. Gladly mom didn't catch me while I was sleeping in the other bedroom. How can Ankur be so ruthless? He spent his night with Sasha and here I was waiting and dreaming about him, how naive of me? While I was indulging in my thoughts, I heard mom calling my name.

"Kavya, what are you thinking?" she asked.

"Nothing mom," I said with a forced smile. Mom just nodded her head still not convinced with my answer. I just focused on my plate and started eating my breakfast even though I wasn't hungry at all. Soon, I heard Ankur's voice from behind!

"Good morning Mom!" He said. I took a quick glance at him. His hair was wet and he was looking really fresh in tight sexy t-shirt and shorts! When he looked at me, I quickly focused my attention on the plate.

"Finally, I get to see my son!" Mom said while hugging Ankur. He laughed at her comment! Has anyone told him before that his laugh is sexy as hell? Maybe Sasha has already told him that! Oh, I am jealous already.

He quickly took a seat next to me. An aroma of coconut and mint stung my nose! He smelled really good, I couldn't help but sniff a little. It was quite intimidating when he sat right next to me! We were only inches apart from each other.

"Mom, I really missed your omelet for the breakfast," He said while eating.

"Son, your mom's omelet is always on the table, but you don't have time to eat it," Mom said while giving a light pat on his back to which Ankur made a cute face like a lost puppy! I didn't say anything.

I was about to grab the ketchup when all of a sudden his fingers brushed mine. Apparently, he was also trying to get the ketchup. I quickly snapped by hand away from his touch to which he made a confused face. Thankfully, mom wasn't watching it!

"You can have it, first!" He said slowly.

"No, I don't want it anymore," I snapped at him. He was looking a little shocked by my sudden change in behavior. He didn't say anything after that and just focused on his breakfast.

"Kids, I really want to talk about something today," Mom said. We both diverted our attention towards mom. She then continued.

"I have planned a 2-week honeymoon for you guys in the Bahamas island. You both will be leaving tonight in our private jet. I won't hear any ifs and but especially from you Ankur," She said. We both were looking shocked. Now, I know why mom told me to take off for 2 weeks! I shouldn't agree to that. Oh, god just save me!

"But, mom I can't leave the work," Ankur said totally protesting mom's decision. Can't you leave your work or your Sasha? I thought.

"Son, I have already told David to take over your responsibilities for 2 weeks," Mom said. It seems like she had made a bulletproof planning for our honeymoon. Ankur didn't say anything and I decided to remain silent.

After the breakfast, mom asked me to pack the bags. So, here I was in the bedroom, packing the bags for my so-called HONEYMOON! I wish it was real, but well, I guess good things are not meant for me.

"Mam, please pack this also," Lisa said while handing me a Victoria secret bag.

"What's this?" I asked Lisa while trying to see what's inside the bag.

"Mrs. Khanna gave it to me,"Lisa said. I took out the fabric from inside the bag and was shocked to see that there were sexy lingerie and night wears of different styles. Oh my god seems like mom is damn serious about our honeymoon!

I quickly shoved the bag inside my suitcase just to make mom happy. I wasn't planning to wear them any way!

After about 2 hours, I was done packing. Mom also forced Ankur to pack his belongings and helped him with other stuff as well. None of us was looking forward to this trip!

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