Chapter 21

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Opinion: Don't you think the above posted song correlates with Ankur and Kavya's life??

Do let me know what you think ;)


I woke up to an empty bed. Ankur was nowhere to be seen. I looked at the bed and saw that some pillows were on the ground, forcing me to think about last night. I couldn't believe that we kissed each other. It was not any forced kiss or anger kiss, it was the kiss full of love and romance. He made me addicted to his touch and his warmth. I was expecting to wake up in his arms just like I slept last night, but he was not there for me. I felt a little sad, but I cheered myself up with the thought that he might have gone to the office to do some important work. But, couldn't he have ignored it to spend time with me?

Oh, my god, I need to stop thinking about these possibilities. Kavya, remember one thing that he is still with Sasha and he still hasn't accepted you as his wife so don't get your hope high, okay?

I quickly got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready. Each time, I touched my body to clean myself, it reminded me of Ankur's touch. It reminded me of how good it felt when he touched me. My whole body was aroused by now. I quickly ignored those thoughts and took the shower. After getting ready, I went downstairs to see mom.

"Good morning, Mom," I said while giving the best tight hug as I can.

"Good morning angel! Seems like you are in a great mood today," Mom said while teasing me. I knew what she meant by "good mood". I blushed a little!

"Don't worry beta, even I used to blush every day for a few months after our marriage, " Mom said. I just nodded. Well, who can explain to mom that this was indeed my first time when I shared such kind of intimate moment with Ankur. I can't wait to see him again tonight. Will he really behave nicely to me after last night? Will he accept me as his wife? Or will he continue to be with Sasha? All these questions  changed my mood from chirpy to sad in a minute.

"What happened, dear?" Mom asked, noticing the uneasiness in my face.

"Nothing mom, can we eat the breakfast? I am so hungry," I said while trying to change the topic.

"Oh yes, I have made your favorite Vanilla pancakes with tater tots. I even made Ankur's favorite tomato and basil omelet, but he left early for the office," Mom said with a disappointing face.

"Mom, don't worry Ankur will be here for dinner!" I said while trying to cheer her up. She smiled and then offered me pancakes.

"Kavya, if I ask you something, would you do it for me?" Mom asked while sipping her coffee.

"Mom, you don't have to ask! All you have to do is order me," I said while eating the pancakes. Oh, it's so yummy!!

"Okiee fine then I order you to take a leave from your work for at least 2 weeks!" Mom said straight up. I looked at mom with the shocked face. Mom chuckled a little when she saw my shocked face.

"But why mom?" I asked.

"No ifs and but, it's either you do what I say or not!" Mom said.

"Okiee fine mom, I will take leave for 2 weeks. Now can you please tell me the reason?" I practically begged. Mom nodded her head and said a big "NO". I had no choice now!

"Alright mom, as you say," I said while kissing her on the cheeks. I didn't want to make her sad so I did like she said. She was looking happier now. She smiled and hugged me!

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