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This is it! I cannot marry him. I cannot marry a guy who doesn't love me back. I will not let this happen to me and so I finally decided to run away. I took some clothes, light makeup, some shoes, necessary items and packed them in a small bag. I was ready to leave now. My dad was in the office and my mom went to attend some social charity event. The coast was clear. I was feeling really bad about running away from my parents but that jerk left me no option. I quickly took the keys of my BMV car and went straight to my garage. I noticed two unknown guys standing in front of my house. Uhmm probably dad's workers. Who cares, I don't have time for that - I reminded myself.

I sat in the car and started driving. Soon, I was on the road. Wait, but where am I going to go?

I decided to stay at my best friend, Sanaya's house, but then thought that my dad would find me easily. So I decided to stay in the motel for at least today until I decide where to go next. But, I was firm that I will not go back to home unless my dad decides to stop this marriage, which I highly doubt is going to happen.

I was still driving on the road when all of a sudden I noticed a black SUV honking behind my car. What the hell does that person want? I tried looking through my mirror to see the driver and it was HIM. No way! How did he know where I was going? Should I pretend that I wasn't running away? OMG, I didn't know what to do so I kept on driving. All of a sudden, that car was in front me, and I was forced to break. What the hell! Is he trying to kill me or something?

He immediately came out of the car with an angry face. Oh no, I can tell from his face that his whole body was burning with anger. He came near my car door and directed me to come out. I didn't want any trouble  so decided to follow his order. I quickly came out of the car and pretended to smile a little like nothing has happened.

"What are you doing here Ankur? I mean what a surprise.." He cut me,"What the hell you think you were doing? "

"Uhmm, I was going to my friend's house. Why do you care anyways? It's none of your business" I said.

"Spill the truth Kavya, Where the hell were you going? Didn't I tell you to not do anything stupid? Why were you trying to run away from me then, huh? " He said with an angry tone.

Wait how does he know that I was running away from him? "I don't consider it important to tell you my reasons. You are nobody to me, You understand?" I said pointing my index finger to him. How dare he shout at me like that!

"Oh, I am nobody to you, huh? Want me to show you who I am?" He said with a smirk. He came closer and closer to me. Oh my god, what is he going to do.

"What are you doing, Ankur?" I stammered. He was still coming closer and closer to me. Now our mouth was only inches apart. I tried to move the other way but he pinned me to the freaking car. Now, I was stuck. Great, just great.

I had no choice but to look at his beautiful face. It was the first time when I actually noticed his features. He had a sharp jawline, his lips were looking soft and sexy. Oh, I wanted to kiss them already. His deep eyes were staring right into my eyes. His hair, ahh looking so soft and silky. I wanted to caress his hair with my hands. Oh my god, what was I thinking. Stop it Kavya - I reminded myself.

"Like what you see?" He said with a smirk. I quickly moved my eyes from his face to somewhere else. In the process of doing so, a strand of hair fell on my face. I was about to move it when I felt his hand on my face. He slowly moved my stand back to its place with his tingling fingers. He was staring at my lips. No, he cannot kiss me, can he?

I again tried to move but he tightened his hold, and then placed his lips on mine. I was shocked at his sudden action. He grabbed my hips and pulled me closer to him. He was kissing me and for some reason, I was also kissing him back. My body was aroused by his lips. I slowly started moving my lips in the sync. It was getting intense and my feet were no longer on the ground, in fact, wrapped around his body now. My back was currently pressed up against the car, and my fingers moving gently in his soft hair. I tightened my legs around him, pulling him closer. A soft moan escaped from his lips and I smiled a little, while still kissing. He took that opportunity to enter my mouth. His tongue found mine and was moving in the rhythm. Our kiss deepened and he moved closer to me, pressing his body against mine.

A realization of reality stuck me, and I suddenly pulled away. What just happened? Was I kissing the guy, I hated the most? I was still gasping for air, and he was doing the same. He was looking shocked. I looked at him. His expression changed from shocked to panic.

"This is a mistake," He said and then left not before ordering me to go home or else to face the consequences.

Tears started falling from my eyes. I felt betrayed.

He gave me another reason to hate him.

Thanks guys for reading and giving your full support. Don't forget to vote and comment if you liked today's part. ;)

How will they face each other after this incident?

Check it out in the next part. Till then, have a great day/night/evening/afternoon. love y'all :)

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