Chapter 13

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"You look gorgeous and hot," I heard the familiar voice from behind me.

I turned around to see Abheer standing there while smirking at me. I couldn't help but stare at his physique. He was looking hot even in a casual attire. His hair was looking a little messy may be from dancing, I guess. He didn't have a stiff jawline like Ankur but his face was nothing less compared to a greek god. If he and Ankur were told to stand together, it would be hard to predict who is hotter than the other.

"Like what you see? " I was suddenly interrupted from my thoughts by his masculine yet sexy voice.

"Have seen better," I said while sipping my drink. He came closer and then took a seat next to me. I was feeling really intimidating by his presence. He was seating so close to me that I could smell his cologne. I need to stay away from him! I was about to go find Karisha when I heard a voice directed towards us more specifically towards Abheer.

"Hey Abheer, what a surprise?" I heard a feminine voice. Abheer and I both turned around to look and I was shocked to find out that she was the same girl who kissed Ankur, the other night. That wasn't just it, another shocker was the fact that she was with Ankur. Yes, right in front of me was Ankur, looking shocked just like me.

"Hey Sasha, you look beautiful!" Abheer hugged that bitch! Ankur was still glaring at me while I was doing the same.(The pic of Sasha is at the top!)

"Sasha, meet Kavya! She is the head of business administration and marketing in my company," Abheer introduced me while pulling me slightly closer to him. I saw Ankur clenching his fist.

"Kavya, you look stunning. I hope Abheer treats you good, sometimes he can be very mean to his coworkers," Sasha giggled while pulling me into a forceful hug. I smiled a little still quite aware of the fact that Ankur was glaring at me like a wolf.

"Abheer, meet Ankur and Ankur meet Abheer," She said while smiling.

"Ahh Ankur, how can I forget my rival!" Abheer said with a manly tone while shaking the hand.

"The feeling is mutual," Ankur said with the same tone.

"Oh common, stop the business crap here. You guys can fight as much as you want over the clients outside the club but not here, right Kavya?" Sasha said while flipping her hair on the side. I didn't say anything instead excused myself for finding Karisha and Brian.

I went towards the dance floor to find Karisha and Brian while thinking about Ankur and Sasha. They must be dating each other or else why would they kiss each other. A wave of sadness hit me like a tornado. Maybe Sasha was the reason he told me to not interfere in his life. I felt betrayed yet once again.

I held back my tears and continued my search for Karisha and Brian. The dance floor was now way too crowdy than before. I wonder where all these people came from all of a sudden. I was trying to look through the crowd when I felt someone's hand on my waist. I was about to scream when that person closed my mouth with the other hand. Shit, I was definitely going to be raped tonight.

That person took me to the end of the club where you can hardly see anyone. I wonder what is he going to do. Will he rape me and then murder me? Will he kidnap me? All sorts of bad thoughts were appearing into my mind. Coming to this club was the bad decision!

When we reached the corner, that person took his hand from my mouth and turned me around. I was about to scream but stopped when I saw who the person was. It was Ankur, starring at me with an angry face. Oh shit, I am definitely in trouble tonight. He slowly came closer to me, I took the steps backward. He came closer and closer to me, I stepped backward until I hit the wall. DAMMIT!

"What the hell you think you are doing with Abheer, huh?" He said while clenching his teeth. He was looking really pissed off.

"The same thing that you are doing with Sasha," I said while trying to maintain my posture. He was getting on my nerves today. What the hell he thinks of himself?

"If I were you, I would watch that smart mouth of yours!" He said while coming closer to me. We were now inches apart from each other.

"If I were you, I would mind my own business as a deal, " I said while looking straight into his eyes. Oh, my god, his eyes were so deep and stunning.

He clenched his fists and hit the wall beside me. I was shocked at his actions, in fact, I was shaking a little.

"Listen," He said while holding my wrist tightly, "Don't try to act smart with me. I don't care what you do but keep one thing in mind - don't you dare talk about our marriage to anyone. You understand?

I can't believe he had the nerves to tell me that. He cared more about Sasha than me. He really didn't care about my feelings.

"If you cared so much about Sasha, then why the FUCK did you marry me? " I shouted at him while trying to hold back my tears.

"Don't freaking shout at me! I thought I already made it clear to you..."He said through greeted teeth.

"I can't believe you did that to me. You took advantage of our marriage for your own selfish reasons. You ruined my life, you betrayed the trust of my parents. You betrayed the trust of your parents, in fact, you betrayed the trust of Sasha," I said angrily while trying not to raise my voice.

"I don't care what you think," He left after saying that.

I stood there trying to digest what just happened. He didn't want anyone to know about our marriage, why? so he can mess around with Sasha? I have had enough of him, not anymore.

I wiped my tears and went inside the club. Ankur and Sasha were dancing romantically on the dance floor. That bastard had the nerves to dance with her after what just happened? I was about to give him the taste of his own medicine. I quickly went near the Abheer who was seating on the bar-stool.

"Hey, Kavya you are ba..." I quickly cut him by placing my lips on his. He looked shocked at first but then started kissing me back. I looked from the corner of my eye to see the fuming face of Ankur. He was now no longer dancing instead watching me with pissed off face. That's what you get for hurting me, Mr. Ankur.

Our kiss was slow, unlike the passionate kiss that I and Ankur had. Abheer moved his hands on my bare back, bringing me closer to him. I moved my hand around his neck giving him an easy access to my mouth. We kissed until we ran out of breath. I couldn't believe at my actions. I just kissed my BOSS in front of my HUSBAND. Abheer is definitely going to fire me tomorrow.

I looked on the dance floor to see ANKUR starring at me like he was the hunter and I was his prey. He was about to come towards me when I quickly decided to escape.

"Bye Abheer, see you tomorrow!" I said while trying to run away from Ankur.

"Kavya, wait," I could hear Abheer from behind me but it was too late.

I quickly found Karisha who was now dancing and giggling with some guy.

"Thank god Karisha I found you. When do you want to leave? " I asked while trying to breathe.

"Uhmm, Kavya meet Samar," she introduced me to that guy while totally ignoring my question. I said hi to him and then looked back at Karisha.

"Actually, Samar was going to drop me home," She said while trying to give me the hint.

"Ohh, I see, Okiee then you guys enjoy. I will see you Karisha tomorrow in the office," I said while laughing.

"Tomorrow is Saturday, Kavya. So see you on Monday!" Karisha said while getting closer to Samar. I just nodded and left.

I quickly left the club and drove back to the Mansion. It was pretty late and so most of the servants were sleeping in the servant courtyard. I quickly went to my bedroom and locked it in case Ankur decides to show up.

Oh, My God, I was in so much trouble from both the sides - Ankur and Abheer!

Kavya what did you get yourself into??

Author's note: Please please guys vote and comment if you liked the chapter. See you soon with another chapter, till then take care!

Love y'all!!

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