Chapter 6

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Author's note: Guys, from now on, I have decided to just number my chapters rather than putting up the interesting titles because I felt like it was working as a spoiler for some chapters. Anyways, enjoy the chapter ;)

I finally reached the devil's destination - his bedroom!

Without uttering a word, he took his night clothes from the closet and went straight into the bathroom. I just stood there in the middle of his bedroom, taking a minute to look at the place I was currently standing at. The bedroom had a theme of dark shade colors, it was extremely lavish and really spacious as compared to mine. There was also a balcony at the far end corner of the bedroom.

Suddenly, I heard the cliche sound of the door, and the devil came out from the bathroom. Ignoring him, I went to the balcony to check out the outside view. Since it was night, the view was full of lights. I then took a mental note to check out the morning view tomorrow.

I was still in my wedding gown and so decided to change into my nightwear. I quickly searched for my night wear in the suitcase, "Shit" I muttered. I hope he didn't hear it. At home, I usually wear night gown that reaches up to my thigh because it's really comfortable. I didn't know if I should wear this in front of him or not. While I was debating about it, I heard someone calling my name. I looked up in that direction and it was HIM.

"Kavya, we are going to London tomorrow. So, get ready by 9 a.m. I hate being late, so keep that in mind!" He snapped at me. He then turned off the bedroom lights on me and went to sleep without saying anything more. Like seriously? How rude!

I then went to the bathroom to change, finally deciding to wear my nightgown. After doing my chores, I came outside. Wait, but where am I going to sleep? There is no way I am going to sleep on this bed with him. I looked at him, he was already sleeping. He was looking so innocent while sleeping. His face was looking like a cute little baby. Ohh god, I need to stop thinking about him.

I wasn't sleepy yet, so decided to spend some time on the balcony. There was a white sleeper chair in the balcony, so I just sat there looking at the beautiful view. It was so quite and nice outside.

"Tic Tic" I got a text message from Sanaya, "Have fun with Ankur. Remember, just don't give up so easily. Try to tease him, make it hard for him to get you!"

I just stared at the screen for I don't know how long. I didn't anticipate my life to be like this. Not at all!

Tears started rolling from my eyes and soon I fell asleep while still sobbing.

When I opened my eyes due to the sun rays falling straight on my face, I realized that on my very first wedding night, I slept in the balcony. What a great start of my wedding. GREAT, just great!! I should get ready before devil sees me into this short nightwear - I reminded myself.

So, I tiptoed inside the bedroom. Wait, the bed was empty and he was nowhere to be seen in the bedroom. I took a sigh of relief. At least, now I can get ready without being around him. I quickly took my clothes from the suitcase - black skinny denim jeans, button-down shirt, and a tweed jacket.

I really believed in wearing sophisticated clothes all the time because it can enhance one's personality to a new level. I was about to open the bathroom, when "BOOM."

I bumped into something hard, wall ? no, I bumped into him. Wait, I thought he wasn't in the room. The next thing I saw blew my mind. He was standing there in just a towel wrapped around his waist. He was pretty masculine with hot 6-pack abs. Some water droplets were dripping all over his body. He was looking so hot - like a Greek god.

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