Chapter 1

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*Rosanna's POV*

I stand in an alleyway with a large group of Blighters. Today I am taking part of a gang war against the new gang in London the Rooks and the only reason I am taking part of this gang war is because my father, Grand Master Crawford Starrick instructed me to as the Rooks are killing more Blighters by the day or they are joining the Rooks which I don't mind at all.

*Evie's POV*

I walk towards the alleyway in Westminster, as I walk to the alleyway I notice Mr. Green walking towards me whilst my idiot brother walks from the other alleyway.

"What are you doing her Mr. Green?" I ask, extremely confused about why he is here, we've already a part of London where his shop.

"Well Miss Frye I am here to inform you about on of the Templars is going to accompany the war with the leader Lilla Graves. She is the next in line of becoming Grand Master as she is Starrick's daughter-"

"Wait!... Starrick has a daughter" Jacob asks with a surprised tone, I'm pretty surprised myself, who would have thought Starrick had a daughter.

"Her name is Rosanna Starrick, she is the one in charge of the Blighters, boss of the leaders and she is here to join in the war and this war is going to be way more difficult so both of you need to be involved with the war" Mr. Green announced so she must be tough if both of us has to be there.

*Rosanna's POV*

"You ready?" I ask Lilla as I watch the Frye twins approached with a group of Rooks behind them.

"Maybe this war can be rid one Templar" I hear Mr. Frye shout as him and the Rooks come closer. I wave my head announce the Blighters to move forward.

"I don't think so Mr. Frye" and with that the Rooks and the Blighters all ran at each other, blades were drawn. I waited back until some of the Blighters were done which happened fast so I drew my sword and started towards them. Miss Frye was the first to notice and quickly killed the Blighter she was fighting and charged towards me with her kukri out.

Swing it above me head, hoping to hit me but failed as I ducked down and kicked her in the stomach causing her to stumble back, I quickly swing my sword to her waist but she blocked it and then I swiped her off her feet causing her to fall to the ground but she jumped straight back up to only be punched in the face which caused her to fall. In the corner of my eye, I notice Mr. Frye aiming his pistol to my head but before he had time to shot I tackled him to the ground, so now I'm on top of him.

I take that advantage and punched him in the face making sure I used brass knuckles, punching him straight in the nose which made his nose bleed but he hardly flinched.

"You're a tough one aren't you love," Mr. Frye says with a quite cheerful tone which surprised me about but didn't stop me from punching him in the face again and again before getting up to see blood covering his nose and I walk away but before fully leaving I shout over to him replying to what he had said.

"Yes. I am Mr. Frye, one of the toughest Templars in London"

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