Chapter 5

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After running for an awfully long time I finally made it home, I quickly scale the extremely large building making sure no Blighter or Templar spotted me. I finally reach my bedroom window, I peak through to make sure no one was in there.

I open the large window and climbed in and quickly changed into my Templar outfit (I'll have a drawing of it soon), I take a deep breath before leaving my room to go to my father's office, I could hear a peaceful tone coming from my father's piano, I knock twice on the door before I walk in.

I look towards my father's piano to see him still playing it not facing away as he asks "Did you find her?" obviously mistaking me for being a Templar.

"I'm here father" I reply, closing the door before walking up to him slowly, he stops playing and turns to me with a smile before moving to his desk. I follow him as he sits down in his chair.

"In a few days there will be another gang war but this time, I don't want you to get involved" my eyebrow lifts as he said this and it shocked me. "I want you to be on the roof watching over it and I want you to report back to me on how it went. Thank you, for your time child"

I nod my head and with that I left the office and went to my room to get some sleep, I will need to find Mr. Frye tomorrow.


The next morning came, the sun high in the sky, shining over London. I stood on top of a shop looking for Mr. Frye, I've been here for around twenty minutes and had to wait another twenty minutes for me to finally see Mr. Frye walking towards a merchant near the docks.

I jump off the building and walk towards Mr. Frye, he stops for the moment obviously knowing my presents. "Hello love didn't think I would see you here," Mr. Frye says as he looks over his shoulder to see me walking up to him.

"Hello Mr. Frye, I thought I would help you today" I reply as we both carry on walking towards the merchant at a steady pace.

"Call me Jacob, you make me sound old" He chuckles as I nod before walking ahead of Jacob towards the merchant.

"Get Starrick's Soothing Syrup right here!" The merchant shouts, trying to get the people attention. Right, next to him there is a young looking woman who had an angry look on her face says.

"It's all he drinks, your syrup is liquefying him. It's turning him simple-headed!"

'This must be the reason he is hardly selling anything'

"Now, look now, you're scaring away my customers." That just proved my statement "Why don't you bugger off or I'll give you something to remember me by!"

"What's going on here?" I ask with a dark tone, now standing face to face with the man, well I should say eye to eye. The merchant pulls out a knife and shouts "SOD OFF!" but before I could snatch the knife and threaten him with it, Jacob hits it out of his hand which caused him to run off.

I look over to Jacob before motioned with my head to chase after him as I started chasing him. "If you'll excuse us, madam" I hear Jacob say before hearing fast footstep just behind me. We chased him underground for some time until he managed to find his way out, Jacob was now ahead of me.

But it didn't stay like that for long as I noticed the merchant had slowed down so I used all of my energy and sprinted past Jacob and fast enough to finally tackle the merchant, I held him to the floor as I demand.

"Tell me where the syrup originates"

"All I know is they make a run each day - between the gasometers and the Asylum" The merchant replies and with that I let him up and I walk off with Jacob towards the Asylum.

It didn't take long to find the distributor but now we had to steal the distributor's plan without any of the other Blighters seeing. I look around to find an easier way of getting to him. The only way I could actually find is to kill these Blighters.

"Jacob, I'm going to look out from the rooftops so you stay down here and kill these Blighters," I say and Jacob agrees, so I sneak towards one of the buildings before release my gauntlet the help me get to the top faster and less chance of getting caught.

I kneel on top of the roof, pulling out one of my throwing knives and aimed towards one of the men near Jacob, I throw the blade and hit him in the back of the head. I noticed Jacob had killed most of them already.

There were about two more and they were both mine. I walk to the edge and one of the men were under me so I release my hidden blade and jumped off the edge and once I landed on him and dug my blade into his neck.

I quickly ran to the hay and stabbed the man in front of it and pulled him in before jumping out and going back to Jacob to only see that Jacob has already stolen the plans.

"The man in charge of the syrup distribution runs a fighting club at the foundry" Jacob announces to me as I follow him to the destination he's going to.

I once again on the rooftops watching over Jacob as he kidnaps the distribution boss, I need to take down multiple of Blighters so it would make Jacob's task a lot easier. I use my eagle vision to help find the boss so I don't accidently kill him.

I see the boss watching and cheering on one of the fights happening in the small area. I look around to find Jacob almost to him but I also noticed a Blighter coming towards him so before he could, I throw my last throwing knife at him and I hit him in the back of the neck. I watch as Jacob turns around to see the dead Blighter on the floor, he looks up to me, he smirks and nods a thank you which he got one in return.

I go off and kill the final two Blighters who were near the boss before I jump off the roof to go and meet Jacob outside the foundry. It didn't take long for Jacob to return with the boss, Jacob comes next to me and pushes the boss away before he asks.

"Where is the syrup made? Speak now or forever hold your--" Jacob could finish his threat as the boss quickly replies. "The distillery. It's the large building beside the brewery!"


"We did it, we found where the syrup is being made," Jacob says with a happy tone, he wraps his arm around my shoulder as he asks "Why don't we go to the pub for a pint, how does that sound?"

"Sounds like a horrible idea as I don't drink" I reply as I move his arm from my shoulder as I walk away from Jacob. I hear Jacob call for me so I look over my shoulder to see Jacob disappointed face.

"Do you mind if I ask you a question?"

I look back to Jacob, waiting for him to ask even though I know what he is going to ask. "Why do not show your?"

"Well...It's because some of the Blighters would recognize me and that won't be good for an Assassin and before you ask why I won't show my face to you, one reason is that I don't want to and the second reason is that I don't want anyone knowing what I look like"

"Will you ever show your face to me?" Jacob asks, I didn't answer for a minute, thinking if I should show him some day and with that, I answer with one effective word.



Hey, guys, I'm sorry I haven't updated. I've know made a schedule to help me with my updating so for this story either, Sunday or Monday or even both.

The Secret Assassin-Jacob Frye X OC (Assassin's Creed Syndicate)Where stories live. Discover now