Chapter 9

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Today Jacob and I are going out on another mission, this time together as a couple, it's going to be different and a little strange especially that my identity isn't hidden anymore well to him but I still wear my mask just in case Blighters or other Templars see me. I don't really want to be killed by the hand of my own father.

Jacob had told me about 'B' and the prime minister being in danger. So I decided to accompany Jacob to save the prime minister, Benjamin Disraeli.

Jacob and I both stood on top a roof where Benjamin should be and hopefully someone who has a nickname of 'B' should be. "All right 'B', who are you and what's your game?" Jacob says to himself before he jumped off doing the leap of faith into the haystack. Once Jacob got out he waited for me to get down, instead of climbing I do the same thing before running over to where the prime minister had entered.

But instead of going past the police and getting caught, I use my gauntlet to get me to the top of the roof with Jacob following before we both climb down the building, knocking some police officers out as we reached the prime minister, we run and hid behind the wall just where two men had just met.

"Well if it isn't my dear chum, Mr. Disraeli. Now Prime Minister, which of your friends is about to stab you in the back?" Jacob questions like Mr. Disraeli can hear him, I roll my eyes and state.

"Did you know talking to yourself is a sign you going crazy"

My comment made Jacob chuckle before his face turned serious once again and we both start listening to the conversation before us.

"The Corrupt Practices Bill is a very vital step in reforming the government. If the majority part is allowed to dictate the results of contested elections, we can scarcely call ourselves free" The man who stood in front of Mr. Disraeli announced, he must be someone who is trying to take Mr. Disraeli's place of Prime Minister. "If we yield up our rights bit by bit to the courts, we can scarcely call ourselves free, sir."

"This is so like you, Gladstone!" The Prime Minister says, he obviously knows the man quite well. "You would rather throw your body upon the gears of progress than surrender one lota of power!"

"By God, Disraeli, you are a tool!" The man we now know has the last name of Gladstone said angrily and his tone only got more deep as he carries on. "I'll not stand idly by and watch you drag Parliamentary privilege through the muck!"

"No, certainly not. You'd rather return us to the yoke of tyranny? Perhaps while we're at it, Mister Gladstone. We could repeal Magna Carts and return the crown to the bloody stuarts!" The Prime Minister said in such anger.

"How dare you, sir!" Mr. Gladstone hissed at the Prime Minister "Merely because I do not wish to see the government the bands of judges you would make these slanderous accusations? I will not stand for it!"

"Then I shall obviate the requirement. Good Evening sir." Mr. Disraeli says before walking away to have someone follow closely behind, that must be 'B'.

"'B' I presume?" I ask Jacob before I start chasing after him, the man isn't that fast at all so it didn't take long for me to tackle him to the ground. I stand up quickly and stood up straight making myself a lot scarier than I'm actually am.

"Pleasure to meet you, 'B'" I greet just as Jacob got to my side. The man holds onto his ribs, properly in pain from the force impact to the concrete floor. "B? My name is Herbert" The man announced.

"Then why are you following the Prime Minister?" Jacob asks who is now standing next to me. "It's a job, sir. Some old man block paid me to do it-" Herbert got cut off by being shot in the head causing him to die and stop telling us completely, we both look up to the roof where we could see a woman standing on top of the roof holding a sniper, she's obviously a part of the Blighters as she's wearing the red outfit.

"Smug Bastard." Jacob hissed before he starts chasing her, I watch for a few seconds as he gauntlets his way up to the rooftop before I do the same and chasing her, I could hear some gun shots from the distance before I hear a small groan which sounded like a female.

Once arrived at to the location where Jacob is. I noticed him talking to the woman who is hanging almost over the edge, the only reason she hasn't fallen is because of Jacob who is holding onto her collar.

"I-I've never got his name. Old chap. Big mustache. Wore some kind of uniform. Hussars, maybe." The woman says in so much fear. "What's his game?" I ask as I approach the two.

"Please...He'll kill me..."

"And a three story drop will shatter your legs and send you to the workhouse. Difference is you can run from him." Jacob announces as he pushes her backwards which made her talk. "Tomorrow! My lads are going to attack the Prime Minister's carriage on the way to Parliment"

Jacob swings the woman back towards the roof before chucking her down to the floor, once she was free of his hold she ran off. "Perfect," He says as he watches her run away.

"I think I know who it could be," I say to Jacob as I remove my mask and pulled my hood down, showing off my face. "Who?" Jacob asks as turns towards me, placing both his hands on my waist, pulling me closer.

"I think it could be one of the Templars, working for my father, Lord Cardigan... but I'm not certain" I reply before looking up to the sky to see the sun slowly disappearing. "We'll I better get going before my fathers sends all the Blighters looking for me"

I lean onto my tiptoes to peck Jacob's lips which turn into a more passionate kiss by the second, I move my arms around his neck trying to bring him even closer but I had to move away.

"Right, I'll meet you here tomorrow, see you tomorrow Jacob," I say before running off, running across the roofs until I reached home.

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