Chapter 16

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"Such an unexpected delight to visit you three. What is the 'news on the street'?" Mrs Disraeli asks as she takes a few steps towards the three of us. We...well Jacob and Evie needs help getting into the ball, I've already got a way in as I will be going with my father. Of course.

"Mrs. Disraeli, we have discovered that there is something inside Buckingham Palace that could threaten the --" Evie starts to say, which I could tell made Mrs. Disraeli a bit nervous by the look on her face, Jacob quickly stops Evie from talking by lifting his hand telling her to be quite and walks closer to Mrs. Disraeli and tries to explain in better way than Evie put it.

"What my sister's failing to say, is that we require entrance into the ball tonight."

Mrs. Disraeli shakes her head and replies. "Impossible! Even if there were any invitation cards remaining, which there are not, someone of your lowly station..."

"If that damn fool Gladstone is attending this evening, they can have my card." we heard Mr. Disraeli say and that made Jacob happy as he doesn't have to go with Evie. "Perfect, Then I'll go alone" Jacob was about to walk out but Evie walks up to Jacob and says to Mrs. Disraeli.

"Mrs. Disraeli! If you would be kind enough to inform my darling brother and Rosanna behind me, of the location of the Gladstone's residence, perhaps they can use their considerable skills to commandeer their cards," Evie looks over her shoulder to me and I smile and walk next to her and nodded my head agreeing with her. Mrs. Disraeli laughs and replies.

"What fun! Did you hear that, Dizzy? We're going to 'pinch' the Gladstone's invitations...But wait how are you going to get in. The Gladstone's only have two invitations." Mrs Disraeli turns to me and I smile and reply. " don't need to worry about me, I already have an invitation."

Evie and Jacob looks at me with shock, surprised that I've got an invitation, I chuckle before leaning of to them and whispered. "I'll be going with my father." They both nodded their heads just as Jacob turns over to Evie and thanks her for volunteering him and Evie replies. "Oh a pleasure, brother dearest. Now, Mrs. Disraeli, if you could excuse me, I must visit with the Mahrajah. It occurs to me that he may have a second set of plans to a certain vault."

As Jacob and I travelled to the Gladstone's' house, I huffed as Jacob kept ranting about Evie treating him like a child. "I understand why she treats you like a child." I look over to Jacob as glares at me as he controls the carriage. Jacob stops the carriage near the Gladstone's house. Jacob quickly jumps out of the carriage to speak with a child to see if she know where the Gladstone's were and thankfully she did.

It took around five minutes to get to the place where Mr. Gladstone is at, especially with the way Jacob drives, once we get to the location we release that he is at a private party, I turn to Jacob and said. "Alright I will take Mr. Gladstone's invitation whilst you go and find Mrs. Gladstone."

Jacob nods as I was about to Jump out, Jacob grabs my wrist and pulls me back in says "Be careful" and grabs my chin and pulls me towards him, making our lips connect. After a few seconds we both pull away with a smile before I jump says "Always am."

I run over to one of the buildings which has no police around it, I use my gauntlet to help me to the top, once I get to the roof, I walk right to the edge, reaching into my robe pulling out my mask and putting it on before I pull my hood up so I have no identity to others. I kneel down and used my eagle vision to see where all the police were. I know I can't kill them as it will cause some attention so I'll need to knock out some of them.

I nod my head as I figure out what I am going to do, I quickly run across some of the buildings until I see some hay, I quickly jump of the edge doing to leap of faith into it, just as a police officer walked past, I quickly got out and snuck up to the officer, putting my cover hand over his mouth and knocked him out cold. I grab the officer and put him onto my shoulder and threw him into the hay so no one could see him.

I quickly sneak past an officers standing a few inches away from the invitation, and waited for a police officer to walk by, once he disappeared I run towards the invitation which is one the table. I grab it but I heard someone call to me, I quickly make a run for it hiding in another stack of hay before I got out and knocked out the officer who had caught me, I left him where he was and quickly run back to the invitation, grabbing it and running back to a building and launching my way up to the roofs before I run across the roods to where Mrs. Gladstone and Jacob should be.

As I was about to enter the station I feel some pump into me, thankfully I get myself standing, I look to the figure to see Jacob holding Mrs. Gladstone's invitation. I smile and followed him to the Gladstone's carriage. I decided to take the rains as Jacob looks over the invitations.

"Now for the invitations. What's this? 'Swords must be left at the door by order of the Queen' Freddy will know what to do." Jacob says before he takes the rains off of me and speeds the horse up so we could find Freddy. It took a little longer this time because we needed to be careful not to damage the carriage, go into an alley and delivered the carriage. We both jump out of the carriage to see a man sweeping the floor, I knew this is Freddy, Jacob and I approached him and he turns and asks in different voice...well he tried to do a different voice.

"Quite a carriage you've got there. Where did you buy it, if you don't mind me asking?"

This made me laugh just as Jacob replies. "Ask all you want. Freddy, you will never get an answer." This made Freddy throw the broom onto the floor in frustration as he'd been caught. "Damn it all, Was it my eyebrows?" Freddy asks as Jacob walks forward towards him and replied.

"Yes. And your face, voice and body. Look, we have an invitation to the Queen's ball tonight." I knew Freddy couldn't believe that Jacob and I had an invitation and that made him ask about it for only Jacob to reply. "Freddy! There is to be an attack on the ball. I need to smuggle some weapons inside to prevent it."

"Supposing I believe you, only the royal guards carries weapons." I decide to leave the two to talk and I jump into the carriage and waited for which seems like for ever but I knew it wasn't. I look up to see Jacob waving me over. We both started to walk away just as Freddy says to Jacob. "Just promise me. Jacob, that you will return Mr. Gladstone's coach."

Jacob agrees and walks away with me following him behind, I know that Jacob properly won't give the carriage. I follow him to Martin Church, we both get to the top of the church, we could see some guards rooming the place. I quickly look up at Jacob and ask. "So are you going to get the outfit or am I." Jacob smiles and points to himself before leaping of the church and into some hay, I better keep a look out then.

After waiting for like twenty minutes Jacob finally comes out with a body on his shoulders, I leap of the edge into the hay and sprinted towards Jacob who is sitting on the carriage waiting for me. "Did you get it?" I asks as he drives back to where Freddy was. As Jacob controlled the carriage to Freddy I remove my mask and put it into my robe before turning to Jacob and said. "I have to go, it'll be late soon and I'll need to get ready. Tell Freddy that I will meet him where he is so I can give him my weapons and robe."

I grab his chin and kissed him before jumping off the carriage and running back to my fathers house to get ready for the ball.

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