Chapter 10

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Jacob and I met up at the same place where we both went our separate ways and we ran across the buildings and gauntlet our way to other buildings until we reached the Prime Minster's place.

Jacob and I stand on the roof watching as Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli walk out of the parliament arm in arm and got into the carriage. "We have to find a way into the carriage" I state which Jacob agreed on before we both gauntlet our way over to the building in front of parliament. Just above three police officers.

I aim my wrist towards the police officer in the middle of the three before I shot a hallucinogenic dart at him causing him to start fighting with the other police officers which caused the other police officers to come over so I shot another two dart.

After the two officers died the rest of the police officer walked back to their original position but this time there were none in front of the carriage so Jacob and I start climbing down and sprinted towards the carriage.

Jacob got into the carriage first and sat next to Mrs. Disraeli whilst I sit next to Mr. Disraeli and this caused the Prime Ministers wife to gasp in shock.

"What's the meaning of this? Who the devil are you?" Mr. Disraeli asked in shock, looking in between me and Jacob.

"Prime Minister," I say to him, holding my hand out in front of me, telling him to calm down through the hand gesture. "We are your new bodyguards, Rosanna and Jacob Frye"

"I wasn't informed of any new bodyguards. Who's your commanding officer?" The Prime Minister asks, still in complete shock. "Let the two speak, Dizzy" The Prime Minister's wife demands before she looks back towards us waiting for us to explain.

"Madam, apologies" Jacob apologizes as he touches her shoulder, reassuring her. "but we've learned of a threat on your life, and the Met thought it best to move quickly"

"Threat, what sort of threat?" Mr. Disraeli asks but before we could answer, the Prime Minister gasps as he hears a gun shot fire obviously close to us.

"That sort," I say and point towards the door "And if you'll excuse us for a moment" I finish as Jacob and I jump out of the carriage to see Police officers firing their guns at some Blighters, snipers in fact.

"You take the ones down on the ground whilst I take the ones up there," I say before activate my gauntlet, aiming my wrist to the platform where one of the female Blighters stood. Once I get up onto the platform, I stab the Blighter in the back of the neck with my hidden blade before I shot the other one before moving to the rest.

I look down to where Jacob is, who is fighting a load of Templars just below me. I quickly jump off the edge, leading on top of a large, male Blighter and killed him with my hidden blade before I pull out my kukri and help Jacob kill the rest of these Blighters.

I look over to the Disraeli's carriage to only see a Blighter driving the carriage with Mr. and Mrs. Disraeli away, I quickly jump onto another carriage, leaving Jacob to get rid of the rest of the Blighter as I drive off, following the Blighter carefully. It didn't take me long to get to the carriage, once I got my carriage next to The Prime Ministers carriage.

I pull out my pistol and shot the Blighter few times in the side as he falls off the carriage I quickly jump over to the other carriage and stopped the carriage and asked.

"Everyone alright?"

"We seem to have come through unscattered. You have our thanks, Rosanna" I hear Mrs. Disraeli reply.

"It was Gladstone, I bet my life on it. This is perfectly in keeping with his distinct lack of character." Mr. Disraeli announces as I drive them back to parliament, where Jacob should be waiting.

"Show yourself! Gladstone! Show yourself you reckless muck-snipe!" Mr. Disraeli shouts making me roll my eyes as I stop the carriage. I look up to see Jacob walking towards the carriage door obviously to open it for the two to get out but Mr. Disraeli slams in opened and starts shouting and walks towards a police officer.

I jump off the carriage to see Jacob helping Mrs. Disraeli out of the carriage. "Thank you. What do you intend to do about Gladstone?" Mrs. Disraeli asks the both of us.

"I assure you, Madam. Gladstone is innocent in this" I state as I stand next to her, she turns towards me and looks me up and down as I have my mask on and my hood up so she can only see my eyes.

"But he tried to kill my husband"

"Well, we'll look into Gladstone. Perhaps you can help us another inquiry. Madam." Jacob asks just before Mrs. Disraeli walks away. "A gentleman with ties to Parliament. Older, wears cavalry uniform and has a large mustache?"

"You seem like rough and sort of fellow. Mr. Frye" Mrs. Disraeli says, she doesn't bother saying anything about me as she obviously can't tell. I knew she wants something by the way she spoke to Jacob.

"Well...yes I am. Actually"

I look behind me to see my best friend, Martha Chapman. We've been friends for years, she's the only Templar and Blighter who knows about me being an Assassin and I told her when I was sixteen years old so I know she can be trusted.

I look back to Jacob and Mrs. Disraeli and waited for a second to tell them goodbye but I didn't have time so I just took off running to where Martha was.

I could hear Jacob calling to me but I just ignore him and carried on running over to Martha. "Yes, what do you need?" I ask once I got over to her.

"Your father wants you back early tonight because he's worried that you'll be the next target but that obviously won't happen."

I roll my eyes at the thought of my father being worried about my well being but I can't ignore the fact that I have to get back. I nod my head before I look up to see Jacob standing on the roof above us. Watching us carefully"

"I'll be back now...Go and get a carriage," I say before I start to climb the wall towards roof to only be met with Jacob's frown. "Why did you run off like that? and why were you with a Blighter?"

"That Blighter is my best friend, Martha and she came to inform me that my father won't me home because he is worried about being your next target. So I better get going, I'll meet you at Parliament in a day or two." I announce before I removed my mask, grabbing the back of his neck with my two hands, pulling him into a rough kiss.

Before I jump off, landing onto of the carriage which Martha has received, I wave a goodbye to Jacob before I climb into the back of the carriage, hiding in there all the way back to my father's place.


Hey, guys, I hope you enjoy this chapter, I'm planning on draw a picture of Rosanna and Martha so you can see what they look like.

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