Chapter 12

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Today I was requested by Roth to come to the theater, I didn't really what to father insisted so that's why I'm here today and the fact that we both are in charge of the Blighters, earlier this morning Roth gave me a tour around the theater which is in my opinion very beautiful but when it become later someone had come in and who it was really surprised me.

"Ah! our honored guest has arrived!" Roth announces, I look past him to see...Jacob. What's he doing here? "Come sit," Roth says and walks away, there were two seats, Jacob sat in one whilst I stayed sitting in the other. I glared at him, I can't believe he's see Roth.

"I've had my eye on you for some time. I find your heroics in battling the great Crawford Starrick quite magnificent." Roth says as Jacob takes a swig of his drink Roth gave him, he did offer me some but I had to decline.

"I've been picking off your soldiers one by one. Doesn't that make you angry!" Jacob says as he puts his drink down as he looks in between me and Roth. "On the contrary. Surprise is the spice of life. Now Mr. Starrick that's a different story. I'm drowning in directions. All terribly boring. Let's say we work together and bring him down!"

"I'm not sure about that..." Jacob says obviously not sure if he can trust Roth, in all my time being a Templar you can't trust Roth, he'll always betray you somehow.

"My friend, If I fall to provide you with the chance to cause Starrick some pain, well you can charge into this theater and kill me yourself."

I watch carefully as Jacob lean back and asks Roth. "What do YOU get out of all this?" I glare at him, really he's thinking of working with a Templar.

"The chance to have a little fun with the bravest man in London." Roth says throwing his hands in the air, he should have said 'the stupidest man in London.'

I watch as Jacob thinks for a moment before holding out his cup and accepts. "Lewis! My carriage! Shall we?" Roth demands as Jacob finishes his drink. "Rosanna, you're coming with us" I hear Roth demand, I look up at him and smirked, ever since I was a teenager, he's always tried to control me but he knew that he'll never be in charge of me as for one: I don't listen to anyone but my father and two:I'm Higher than he so...I'm in charge of him.

"You listen to me, Mr. Roth," I say as I stand up putting my hands on the table and I look at him. "You can't demand me around, I'm a lot higher than you, next to be Grand Master and also in charge of the Blighters. So WATCH where you stand."

After that little telling off, I walk away but I didn't go before saying my goodbye's to Jacob, I could see the shock on his face as I stood up to Roth and Jacob has never seen me act like this. I turn and wave goodbye to Roth before I leave the theater and go to one of the Blighters bases.

I stayed in the building for quite a few hours, I'm still really annoyed about Jacob now working with Roth, I'm definitely going to have a talk with him about this once he finishes his business for today which didn't take as long as I expected.

"Rosanna." I turn to see Jacob standing behind me. I turn to face him and told him. "Your an idiot Jacob, I can't believe you agreed to work with Maxwell Roth."

Jacob walks towards me, hands on my waist which is covered with my Templar uniform and pushes me up against a wooden table which is normally covered with some plans but not today.

"Yeah...but think we can get to Starrick and Roth wants to pain Starrick," Jacob says, I raise an eyebrow and shaking my head, I can't believe he actually believes him but...I can't stop him from helping.

"I can't stop you but...just be careful, Roth isn't the kind of man you can trust, he will betray you in some way, if you're wondering how I would now this, it's because he has betrayed me in a way, a horrible way and I'll never forget it or forgive him for."


Hey, guys, I'm sorry this is sort but I'll try and make the next chapter longer, the next chapter, in fact, is going to have a flashback of what happened that Roth had done to her.

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