Chapter 20

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I quickly turn and look over my shoulder, to see Jacob running into the house, he runs straight to the desk and starts gathering everything, I approach him, placing my hand on his shoulder before asking.

"Jacob what's going on, what's wrong?"

Jacob stops what he's doing before turning to me, his face full of worry and horror. "You've got to go," Jacob starts to say as he hands move to my cheek. "You need to leave...go to Martha's place for a while."

"Jacob, what going on!?" 

Jacob kissed me quickly before gathering the papers, putting them under his arm before grabbing my wrist starts to pull me out of the house, well tried to. "Going somewhere, Jacob?"

A large man stood in front of the doorway, stopping the two of us from leaving. 'This is why he wanted me to leave' I thought to myself, realising what's going on. A few years back when Jacob was training our youngest child to become Assassin, he also starts training a young, sick boy.

The young, sick boy is the man killing all these prostitutes, yes he's the Ripper, he's Jack the Ripper.

"Jack, your sick" Jacob say, pushing me behind him as we both watch Jack carefully, we both watch as Jack looks down at his large knife in his hand before he starts walking towards us, Jacob brings out his hidden blade as he drops everything and tries to stay in front of me but I quickly running over to where the weapons are kept.

I grab my kukri, holding it ready to fight. By the look of Jack's eyes, I knew he was smirking, smirking at Jacob, Jack suddenly pushed Jacob into the desk causing him to fall to the floor but he got straight back up once he realised that Jack had walked over to me.

I swing my blade at up, trying to slash his throat, only for Jack to grab it from my hand, throwing towards the doorway. I looked at him with a scared look on my face once I realised that I didn't have my hidden blade.

Jack quickly grabs me by the throat and slams my head against it a few times, I could hear Jacob screaming for me, I look up to Jack before he hits me up against the fall one last time before letting me drop to the floor.

I lay there, not able to get up due to the injury to my head. I watch as Jacob tries to fight off Jack, glancing over to me a few times before starts to head out of the room, still fighting Jacob.

"no, no, no, NO!" was the last thing I heard before I lose consciousness, not being able to fight the blackness anymore.

*A month later*

I was in the hospital for two weeks because of the serious head injury, I had stitches in my head to stop the blood flowing anymore. I had written to Evie, Emmett, and Marie during my time in the horrible place, begging them to come back and help.

My children had gone to India properly a few months ago so Evie could train them and teach them everything she knew from the Indian Assassins. 


I turn around to see my children standing in a room in Scotland Yards with Evie Frye and Freddy. I smile and hug the two of them. I'm so happy to see them. Emmett is in his twenties and looks a spitting image of Jacob. When Emmett was younger Jacob had given him his top hat and he still wears it which I'm happy to see.

Marie, on the other hand, is the image of me but with Jacob's eyes. She wore my old Assassin's robes as she loved them every since she was little so when she turn sixteen I decided to give them to her as a present.

"Where's Jacob?" I hear Evie say, I let go of my children before walking in and standing next to Evie and started to explain the incident, once she understood everything she nods her head and says.

"I'm glad your okay but... do you think the Ripper killed him?"

I sign before looking over to the two young ones, they both had a nervous look on their faces, I turn back to Evie and replied. "I hope not, I think he's still alive but I-I'm sure. All I know is that we need your help, Evie."

I look over to Fredrick before nodding my head to him, he nods back and tells us to follow him. We all followed him outside of the place to see more police trying to stop other people from getting to anyone.

"I'll take you all to the site where the Ripper first struck... The journalists always seem to get the word first--we get there, they're trampled the evidence and next day's headlines are dripping with blood."

We followed him for a few minutes, listening as he explained everything to Evie, Emmett, and Marie before we all got into the carriage, Fredrick and Evie sat at the front whilst I sat in the back with the children, I know they're worried about their father, so am I. I've never felt this worried ever not even when I knew my father was going to die, I'm so afraid that my husband is dead and if he is I know that will kill a piece of me.

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