Chapter 4

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*Jacob's POV*

The Assassin, Evie and I decided to go and visit Alexander Bell, as we get to the door the assassin leaned against the wall, crossing her arms as she stares ahead.

"You coming in love?" I ask she turns to look at me, her beautiful green eyes. I really need to know why she wears that mask, I don't think I heard of any kind of Assassin wearing a mask, I don't think Evie ever heard of an Assassin wearing a mask and she knows a lot about the history of Assassins in the brotherhood.

"I'll be in soon, I'm just going to get rid of these Blighters," She says and walks off towards a small group of Blighters, I watch as she walks away before shrugging my shoulders and followed after Evie.

We walk towards the room where Alexander sat doing who knows what, Alexander turns to see me and Evie walking in. "Ah, Jacob, Miss Frye! How good to see you. Have you seen Starrick's latest ties?" he says showing us a newspaper and I reply "Lies in a newspaper?"

"What transpired from the new line you were establishing?" Evie asks as she takes a step towards Alexander

"The cables we ordered never arrived. And then, we intercepted this. A message mentioning cargo seized at Cottege Whark".

"Well let's unseize it"

We all turn to the voice and the Assassin stood leaning against the door frame with an eye raised, I look over to Alexander to see he has a smile on his face.

"Look at you, you've grown so well," Alexander said as he embraced the Assassin, the assassin embraced back, I look to Evie to see she's giving me a confused look.

"You two know each other?" Evie asks as the two pulled away, Alexander turns to look at us with a smile, walking away from the mystery Assassin as he answered Evie's question.

"Yes, I've known this girl since she was a sixteen-year-old, oh and one more thing before you get going. Another intercepted wire contained the recipe fro a powerful hallucinogenic serum, I've adapted this dart mechanism to work with your braces"

"Aleck you're a genius" I complimented as I connect the dark to my brace as Alexander replies "Well that patently is untrue. Although...I've also discovered that the serum adopts the form of a gas when subjected to heat"

"Just when I think you can't surpass yourself..." I say and we all took our leave, leaving Alexander on his own, allowing him to carry on what he was doing before we came to visit.

*Rosanna's POV*

I went with Evie to help find the miss crew whilst Jacob, I don't know what he is going to do, properly kill some Blighters. Evie and I ran into Southwark where we think the crew is being held. We ran to where the ships are being kept, Evie and I stopped to see three Blighters holding the crew hostage.

Evie looks over to me before aiming her brace and shot one of the darts at the fire where the Blighters stood around and she did this for each one as it had a better effect. Evie carried on killing the Blighters while I went to loot the cable lines for crates. Once I found all the crates and killed some of the Blighters Evie didn't kill.

I wait for Evie by the docks and after a minute Evie turned up and announced "We need to get onto the Cargo ship" I nod and shot my gauntlet up to the top of one of the boats with sails whilst Evie ran across the boats. I reached a boat with a sail right next to the cargo ship.

I notice Evie had already killed one of the Blighters who stood at the back, I watch as she moves towards another one and this gave me the chance to get the one in charge who stood right in the front of the ship. I jump off from where I stood, hidden blade out and stabbed the Blighter in the neck, I heard him groan before falling into the water and with that I walk towards the crate and started looting it.

I look over to Evie and announced what was in the crate. "Poison! I'm sure Mr. Bell will find this most interesting" and we both ran back to Mr. Bells workshop and let's just say the poison did make me feel a bit weird so I kept my distance from Evie.


"Careful there Mr. Bell," I say as me, Evie and Jacob walk into the workshop, Mr. Bell turns to us. "Every worthwhile endeavor is fraught with dangers , my dear friends. None more so than yours. But you have triumphed once again"

"How do you know?" Jacob asks with a confused but curious tone and Mr. Bell replies "We have entered the age of communication, remember. We've already received word from Greenwich that the shipment has arrived safely. thanks to you"

"Have you discovered what else is in that shipment?" Evie asks which of course Mr. Bell did know what is the shipment. "Indeed. I'm afraid that's Starrick's poison has found it's way on the open market"

I didn't even know my father had some kind of poison or had anything that had gotten into the market well now I do. I look over to the twins as Evie announces "If he believes that will stop us, he is mistaken" and we all walked out of the workshop, as we walked outside I hear some voices come from an alley.

"Have any of you seen Rosanna, Mr. Starricks wants her instantly"

While Evie and Jacob walked, properly back to the train. I ran the opposite way my father lives as I ran I could hear Mr. Frye call once he realized I had gone the other way.

"Love, where are you going!?"

I stop and turn to face the twins, I look over to see there is a large distance between us, I smile from under my mask before shouting a simple word before running off again.


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