Chapter 7

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Rosanna's assassin's outfit

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Rosanna's assassin's outfit

Rosanna's Templar's outfit

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Rosanna's Templar's outfit


I look over to Jacob to see he had a shocked facial expression and I could tell there is a bit of anger in it, I take a deep breath before shrugging my shoulders as I say. "Well...what are you waiting for. Come kill me get it over with"

I watch as Jacob shake his head slight as he kept looking at me still holding the shock expression, I shrug before walking to the edge, jumping on the side and look down from the top of Big Ben. Looking over London as smoke from my father factors filled the air, Blighters and Rooks either fighting each other or protecting it.

I may as well look at the beauty before my life is taken away, I turn to look at Jacob again to see he is slowly moving towards me with now a worried look as he watches me closely. I smile towards him before looking down to the ground where there is a group of rich people just a below us.

I turn back to Jacob to see he moved forward, even more, I look over to him and smile, if he wasn't going to do it I will have too. I'm basically a Templar I have no right to be in the brotherhood so I'm going to treat myself as a full Templar and take my life instead of them two doing it.

"Well...if you're not going to do it, I will," I say and get ready to jump, just when I was about to jump off I feel a hand wrap tightly around my arm and pulls me off of the edge and now pinned against one of the gold pillars.

I look up to see Jacob looking down at me, his hands against the pillar just by my waist, pinning me between him and the wall. I take a deep breath before closing my eyes and waiting for the pain in my neck from his hidden blade, he must have wanted to do it himself.I waited for a little more but nothing happened.

I open my eyes once more and look up to Jacob looking down to me with a smile as he says. "You maybe a Templar but your also an Assassin, you've proved that you'll do anything to bring them down. You've taken out your own gang, Blighters to protect mine and I'm thankful for that."

I smile slightly and look down with a small blush but I didn't stay looking down for long as Jacob catches my chin between his fingers and tilts my head back up so now I'm looking into his deep brown eyes.

Jacob starts leaning down and I slowly lean up until our lips connect, it lasted for seconds before I pull away as I released I had to go back to my father's place so I had to push Jacob away. I could see the hurt in his eyes, thinking I rejected him so I assured him.

"Jacob, I have to go, it's getting late and I have to take part of a gang war tomorrow" I grab his hand before I carried on "I've liked you ever since I first met you and I am thankful you feel the same," I smile before pecking Jacob lips before jogging to the edge but before I jumped, I turn back to Jacob.

"You better go and tell Evie as I'm not because I know for a fact she'll try and kill me on the spot" I turn back around and jumped. Doing the leap of faith into some hay. I jump out and I put my mask back on and hood back over my head and I look up to see Jacob watching before I run off back to my father.

The Secret Assassin-Jacob Frye X OC (Assassin's Creed Syndicate)Where stories live. Discover now