Chapter 18-Epilogue

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It's been seven years since the twins assassinated my father, within those years Jacob and I got married around 1869 maybe even at the start of 1870. Evie had moved to India with Henry a few months after our marriage and I miss her darily. We had grown closer as both tried to get rid of the rest of the Blighters but they left before we ever could. 

Jacob and I know live in Whitecapel, I love this place it's not like the place what I lived in when I was younger, with my father. My father's place was incredibly large and it was just to big but not very homey and when I lived there it didn't feel like a home but here in Whitecapel with Jacob, my husband does feel homey.

I've also become a full Assassin so I'm no longer a Templar, I still kept everything like my robes that's the only thing I have left of my father as in 1863 I became a full Templar well in my fathers eyes I was. This is that reminds me of my father, even though he never wanted me and those words did hurt but I still love him and still to this day.

I got pulled out of my thought by a little look a like of Jacob pulling on my robe, I look down and smile at the youngster. The youngster is mine and Jacob's first born, Emmett. He is just like Jacob, he looks like him and acts like him which is horrible in a way as I'm basically stuck with two Jacob's.

I remember the day when Evie actually warned me about it saying "Having a little one like Jacob is going to be a complete hand full" which is completely true Emmett is a complete handfull and I'm hoping our youngest isn't going to be like Jacob.

Our second child who was born early this year, we had a little girl who had my hair colour and face but had Jacob's hazel eyes which always made me smile when ever I see them, we decide to name the little girl Marie who is right now laying in Jacob's arms.

I pick up the young boy and hold him in my arms, his head lays on my shoulder and yawns before closing his eyes, it's around nine o'clock and Emmett is normally in bed by eight but Jacob decided to let he stay awake a little longer whilst I was on a mission. I don't think he even know that I came back as he seems to be to busy cuddling the little girl who is fast asleep with a wooly blanket around her small body.

I smile before looking away, I headed upstairs to my son's bedroom. I place the now sleeping boy on his bed and tucked him in, I watch as his little hands grab onto the blanket and pulled it closer to him, I smile down at him before moving his brown hair from his forehead and kiss it before leaving the room, closing the door behind me.

I headed straight into the small kitchen to make some tea, I decided to make some for Jacob, a grabs the two cups before taking them into where Jacob and Marie is, I place the mug next to Jacob on the side table before walking around before sitting next to Jacob, I look down at the little girl who is surprisely awake, showing off her eyes. 

"How was the mission?" 

I look up at Jacob before laying my head next to his shoulder before taking a sip of my drink as I replied, "It went well." I smile at him before looking back down at my daughter and thought about how everything changed, even though I lost my family like my mother, father and grandparents.

I know have a family of my own, an amazing husband and two incrediable children, I've actually got the life I dreamed of since a little girl, my own place and a family that my dream come true.


That's the end of Assassin's Creed Syndicate but I will be doing the DLC Jack the Ripper, I'm not sure when I'll publish the first chapter but I'll try and get it out soon, the chapter will be in this story and I've also started writing another Assassin's Creed Story, it's with Ezio and I'll try and publish that soon but other than that I hope you enjoy this epilogue.

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