Chapter 2

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*Rosanna's POV*

I walk to my father's office, knocking on the door before walking in. I walk in to see my father sitting at his desk with Lucy Thorne standing in front of the desk. My father looks up and smiles once he notices it's me who walked in.

"Ahh...My daughter, how did it go?" My father asks as he gets up from his seat and walks towards me, placing his hands on my shoulders waiting for the news on Westminster. I smile to him as I tell him the news on the fight.

"Well...Westminster still belongs to the Templars as I defeated the leaders of the Rooks" I notice this made my father's smile wider at the news "but most of the Blighters were killed but Lilla Graves is still alive"

"At least those Assassin's didn't gain Westminster...Well done my child" My fathers says as he pulls me into an embrace which happened rarely, he's obviously worried about the Frye twins.

*Henry's POV*

"So...I guess it didn't go well" I state as I look at the twin's conditions. Miss Frye had a black eye coming which is getting bigger by the minute and Mr. Frye properly had a broken nose.

"No Greenie, it didn't. Starrick's daughter beat both of us, who would a Templar could do this. Beat two trained Assassin's!" Jacob replies angrly.

"Well...Rosanna is the strongest Templar here in London that's why she is incharge of the Blighters"

"Yes, we know that now Greenie"

"Let me tell you about Rosanna...Rosanna is obviously Starricks daughter a Templar but she is the daughter of Adelaide Harper-"

"Wait...Adelaide Harper, the Assassin?" Miss Frye asks with a shock expression, I look over to Jacob to see his mouth wide open with shock.

"Yes. Rosanna is the daughter of an Assassin who died when she was three years old"

"How did she die?" I hear Jacob ask, I look over to him and start telling them the story.

September 1851

*3rd Person*

Adelaide walked the streets of White Chapel, on her way to speak with some Assassins who are her family, her parents and older brother. They were planning to attack on the Templars, Adelaide looks down once she feels a tug on her hand, she looks down to see her daughter looking up to her. The young girl looks a lot like her father, has his dark hair, eyes and skin tone and hardly anything is in her daughters face.

Adelaide regrets having sex with the child's father but never regrets having her daughter, Adelaide had a one night stand with a Templar but not just any Templar, the Grand Master Crawford Starrick, Adelaide refused to have his last name for her's so she named the young child Rosanna Harper.

"Where are we going mama?" Rosanna asks with a squecky tone which always made Adelaide smile. "Well...we are going to visit your grandma, your grandpa and uncle" Adelaide laughs as Rosanna squeals with excitement.

Adelaide turns her head back up and stops walking and now frowning instead of smiling. In front of her is a group of Blighters, their boss. Crawford Starrick stood right in front of them. Rosanna hid behind her mother's leg.

"What do you want Starrick?" Adelaide asks as she keeps her daughter covered with her leg, she watch Starrick smirk as he replied. "I want my daughter" and with that waves his hand and one of the Blighters who stood behind the two, picked up Rosanna and walked away with the child who is now screaming for her mother.

Adelaide screamed back to her and tried to run after her but got caught by two large men, they made her kneel in front of Starrick who still smirks holding onto a large blade and before he killed her he promises her one thing.

 "I will take care of our daughter"

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