Chapter 23

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We finally arrive at Owers Manor, we had to get there by train so we could get there faster, faster we get there, the faster we can find my husband.

"Calm down, you cowards," the brute who is wearing the outfits of a Blighter, Evie has these fear bombs so they could become scared and wouldn't be able to do anything because of their fear and it seems like these larger men aren't able to get scared by these bombs.

"How about this, I'll take out the larger men whilst you take out the smaller ones, you can use the techniques you learned from India but...if you need it I will help you,"

Evie nods before gesturing me to take out the larger guy, I peek past the tree to see the brute standing right by it watching the two others walk away. I slowly creep out, releasing my hidden blade before thrusting the blade into the back of his neck. 

He gasps before he slowly starts falling to the floor, I quickly catch him with a grunt and put him to the floor quietly. Once the man is on the floor I could see Evie in the corner of my eye using her brutal take down on one of the men which scared the other one causing him to run off.

I watch as he runs off, 'I'd run if I saw some stranger doing that to someone,' I thought to myself before I run after Evie who is already scaring another man, I run up the steps to see one of the larger guys running towards her.

I take a breath before I start running at the guy, I bring out my small sword out (Which I had from Jacob a few years ago.) I grab the man by his neck dragging him closer and stabbed him in the stomach, he cried in pain as I pull the blade out and spun around and smacked him in the face with the blade knocking him to the floor and bled to death.

Suddenly I feel some grab my wrist and drag me to the wall railing, we climb onto it and looked at the mansion. "Do you really think she's expecting us?" I ask as I turn to look at her. Evie looks at me and nods. "Yes, she is,"

Evie says before she does the leap of faith into the haystack before using her hidden blade to kill the man standing in front of it. I watched the group carefully as Evie once again used her brutal takedown, scaring the living daylights out of the others, I chuckle a bit as they run off.

I decide it's time for me to come down so I leap of faith into the hay and chased after Evie who is still scaring the men.  I quickly run towards her to help, I run at one of the men, punching him in the face, stunning him before stabbing him in the throat with the hidden blade then I turn to another one who is completely shaking.

I smirk at him before grabbing my pistol which is Jacob's gun and fired a bullet into his skull, killing him instantly. I walk to the bell and destroyed it so no one can ring it for help, whilst Evie got rid of the group by the small fire by throwing a fear bomb and this caused them to run off.

We carried on killing these men until we found Lady O's personal Butler who is supposed to stop us from getting in, we decided to follow him in as he should know where Lady Owers is but after trying to get through the court we lost him due to the other men surrounding the place noticing us.

Take a deep breath before I murdered the final standing man. I look around to see Evie is nowhere in sight, so I close my eyes and opened them activating my eagle vision. I look around until I see a green figure showing Evie assassinating the red figure, Lady Owers.

As fast as I could, I ran towards the room, once I got there I stopped, to see Evie standing over Owers. "I should thank you, Miss Frye. I feared death at the Ripper's hands, far more than at yours" 

I walk closer to Evie to see her picking up a photo, I look over her shoulder to see four men in suites, three of the men's faces is scratched out.

"What have you done with these me?" Evie asks, turning the picture showing Lady Owers, I watch Lady O, she smirks a bit before answering. "The Ripper is entertaining them presently...Mr. Weaversbrook will be joining them soon..."

Evie hands me the image, I tuck it into my inside pocket as Lady Owers take her last breath. "Let us hope Jack has not found you yet, Mr. Weaversbrook," Evie says to herself before turning to look at me.

"Come on, we better get out of here," Evie says as she walks away from the corpse, I look down at the corpse and looked at her in disgust, 'How can someone work with a man like that?' I ask myself before I follow Evie out of the manor and to the carriage in the front of the manor.

We both jumped into the carriage undetected but we didn't know that the man know as the Ripper had been watching the entire thing.

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