Chapter 21

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Whilst the children and Evie went off to speak with Fredrick, I decided to go home to try and calm myself, this is definitely one of the most horrible things ever, I have never felt like this, not even when my father died or even my grandparents.

But the thought of losing Jacob or even lost Jacob killed me, I'm terrified. I'm brought out of my thoughts by a hand being placed on my shoulder, I look over to see my daughter looking at me, my hand lays on hers as Evie and my son starts looking around the place.

"What are you doing?" I ask as I walk towards my sister-in-law. Evie who is know standing up, facing me leaving the broken pot. "Where were you knocked out, Rosanna?"

I look around the place before pointing to where I had been knocked out and found. Evie nods before she walks over to Emmett who is reading a letter, the letter which is properly from Jack but I'm not sure, Jacob hardly let me help him with this, it annoyed me at times but I understood why. He just wanted to protect me and the kids. (By sending them off to India)

"We are going to find him, mother, I promise you that," 

I turn to see my son looking at me with a smile, a smile I knew was fake. I could tell he's worried, both of my children are, their father could be dead. I can't imagine how Evie is feeling but at this moment she doing better with hiding her feelings, keeping them away so she can find him.

"Could he be referring to an 'Unfortunate Woman'?" I hear Evie say to herself before she turns to look out of the window, we all follow her gaze to see nothing. "Come, we need to find Nellie," Evie announces as she walks past us and heads out of the door.

I look at my kids before pushing them on, I follow behind them. As I'm about to close the door, I stop, I just look in... taking in everything before the day happened, all the memories Jacob and I had together here, remember the memories we had with our children, I notice something one of the shelves. 

I slowing approach it, grabbing the small frame to see it's a picture from mine and Jacob's wedding, a tear slowly move down my cheek as I put the picture on my chest, where my heart is before I said.

"Don't worry, Jacob we'll find you... and kill Jack the Ripper,"

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