Chapter 22

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We all follow Evie, to a brothel hoping we can find Nellie there. 

"We need to find Nellie, Rosanna, try and find some information whilst us three watch the place...just in case the ripper turns up." Evie orders before nodding to Emmett and Marie to follow her, the kids didn't move before walking towards me and both at the same time embrace me into a hug. 

"Don't worry... I'll be fine." I say to them before moving away and walked towards a woman with a pink corset. "Excuse me, does a woman by the name of Nellie work here?"

"Nellie?" The woman asks "'Fraid I can't say. Miss," and nod and thank you anyway before walking outside to speak to another woman who was surround by men in black suits. The woman wore a beautiful black dress but is very revealing proving that she works in the brothel.

"Hello, have you seen Nellie today?" I ask, the woman's tone turned shaky, I could tell she's worried by the look on her face. 

"What do you want with Nellie? Who are you? ...If you're a friend, then you may already be too late."

"Where is she?" I ask, turning completely worried, I could hear footsteps approach so I quickly turn to see Evie, Emmett, and Marie had just arrived.

"On her way to see Lady O in the company of the brutes paid to keep us in line... Hurry if you want to catch her,"

"Over there," Marie says and points to where she could see three men with Nellie. "Now, come nicely. Nellie. Lady O is expecting you," One of the men says before we all hear Nellie's cry, not wanting to go with them.

We watch as they all disappear, I look at Evie who nods at me and takes off running, I turn to look at the kids before I ordered them to go, they both try and refuse but I wouldn't allow it, I lean forward to kiss each one on the cheek before leaving them on there on as I run after Evie.

I follow Evie all the way to where Nellie hopefully should be, The place is surrounded by people, properly ex-Blighters and betrayed Rooks.Evie and I decide to separate so we could clear out these people surrounding the place, I decide to take the people on the top, who are more important due to them being snipers.

I carefully climb up the wall, trying so hard to avoid attention, if I do I know Evie will do something before everyone's attention turn on me, once I get to the top, I could see two female's watching the place.

I quickly run over to one of the chimney's and whistled catching one of the woman's attention, I wait until she came close enough before getting up, stabbing her in throat, this, unfortunately, caught the other one's attention, I look at her just as she's about to call for the others but I quickly react by throwing one of my knives at her, making sure it hit her straight in the face so she'd die instantly.

I go off to find Evie who I found already in the house waiting for me. Evie turns to face me before smiling at me showing that she's happy that I'm alright, I smile back before I start walking through the crowd looking for Nellie.

I notice her by the other woman who also worked in the brothels properly from around the area. "Shh. Don't be afraid," Evie quietly says as she stands next to Nellie whilst I stand behind her, making sure to keep cover so the man in purple wouldn't notice me.

"Jacob's sister and Rosanna! We can't talk here, please, he'll kill me, she'll see to it..." Nellie says as she turns so she's facing back so she can pretend that she's listening to the woman in front, giving the speech.

Everyone starts clapping just as I ask Nellie 'who'. 

"Lady Owers. Jacob said you must kill her to find him..." Nellie announces, so this woman is involved with the Ripper. I stand up straight and glare at her as she towards us with her umbrella. 

"Smile and be polite or I'll tell the Ripper where you sleep, my beauties." Lady Owers says before walking away, I watch as she tells the man next to her something, he nods before walking towards Nellie and grabbed her before dragging her away. 

I look at Evie, releasing that Lady Owers had caught us. I grab Evie's arm before we both start chasing after the two. We both stop at the gates just as the man who had taken Nellie drives off in a carriage. 

I look around, looking for another carriage but there are none on the side of the roads so I quickly run towards a carriage which is occupied, I climb up and throw the man out of the carriage before taking the reins and drove to where Evie's standing and waiting. 

Evie climbs up into the seat next to me, I decide to allow her to drive due to her being a better driver than me, Evie quickly makes the horse move faster, fast enough so we can approach the carriage, Nellie is in.

"Keep this carriage steady, I'm going to hijack the carriage... get ready to kill him," I say before climbing to the top of the carriage getting ready to jump, in the corner of my eyes I could see Evie grabbing her gun.

I take a deep breath before I jump, jumping off the original carriage and thankfully I land on the carriage, I walk towards the man, I grab him by the shoulders but before I pulled him off I look over my shoulder to see Evie holding her gun ready to shot.

"Now!" I hear her shout, I nod and quickly throw the man out of the carriage, I could hear and thud and a few rounds of gunfire. I quickly get into the seat and start to guide the horse to the side of the street. I stop the carriage and jumped out of the driver's seat only to see Nellie in Evie's arms.

"She used me as a decoy and fled to Owers Manor,"

"Hoping we'd cause your death no doubt..." Evie says as I go to the other side of Nellie and helped her walk before she stopped to tell us. "She knew you'd come, Miss Frye," She said to Evie before turning to me, "And she knew you would be helping her, Mrs. Frye."

"Lady O is the Ripper's eyes and ears in London..."

"Kill her, and Jack is forced to show himself," I tell Evie before I stop one of the carriages. "We'll look in on you soon, Nellie. I promise," Evie says before leaving me to help her into the carriage, once I got Nellie into the carriage and knocked the side telling the driver to go.

"Lady Owers will be expecting us, we shouldn't disappoint her," I say as I approach Evie who is know sitting in the driver's seat of the carriage getting ready to drive us to Owers Manor.

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