Chapter 19-Jack The Ripper

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For twenty years, after the Assassin's defeated the Templars in London, the city enjoyed a certain peace. Until the Autumn of Terror... In 1888. London is plunged into shadow and fear, by a series of gruesome and unsolvable murders.

The brothels of Whitechapel seem warm and safe by comparison to its streets... where prostitutes are being mutilated, and left on grotesque display for the world to ogle... Jacob and Rosanna Frye hunts the elusive killer to bring an end to the Terror of Jack The Ripper.

I rub my hands together, trying my hardest to warm they up. It's freezing but what do I expect, it's November and it's Britain, it's always cold here (Very true), I put my hand inside of Jacob's as we both start to walk after Mr. Weaverbrook.

"Mr. Weaverbrook," Jacob calls to him causing the man to speed up a little. "I know you have more of the Ripper's letters."

"I told you both to stay away from me..." Mr. Weatherbrooks says just as Jacob grabs his arm and stops the man in his tracks, I stand in front of him, arms crossed over, glaring at the man before telling him. "Stop. Publish. Those. Letters...You've turned an unknown miscreant into a legend and that is what he wants to happen so stop publishing the letters."

Mr. Weatherbrook was about to reply but a woman in a purple dress runs towards us, a scared look on her face. "Jacob! Rosanna! Thank God I found you both. It's the Ripper--he's done it again!"

Jacob and I look over to Mr. Weaverbrook before following the prostitute to where the Ripper had killed again.

We all walk up to the scene, a small crowd of people stood by the corpses, we follow the young woman walked right past the police stopping people from coming towards the dead, two women lie dead and the women obviously knew them by what she says. 

"Katey? Oh, he can't, no, he can't have... And Lizzie? Not both, not in one night..." I look over the  body which has been identified as 'Katey', it's sad to see women who already suffer enough and know are getting murdered by insane, sick man the Ripper.

I turn to look over my shoulder to see Jacob staring at the wall, I raise an eyebrow before, closing my eyes activating my eagle vision to see that the Ripper had written something on the wall something only the Assassin's can see.

How many more Assassin's must die before you see the truth?

"Only one more, Jack" Jacob says to himself before turning towards me, grabbing my hand and dragging me towards the wall, he let's go and starts climbing, I follow after him, we both run across the train tracks, not knowing that someone was watching us...well watching Jacob.

I follow after him in confusion, he grabs my wrist again and drags me, making sure not to lose me, he was throwing smoke bombs as we ran like he is trying to escape someone. After running sometime we stopped in a graveyard, Jacob suddenly stops behind a large grave before turning to me, hands on my cheeks, a look of worry on his face.

He smiles slightly at me before leaning down to me and kissing me lightly, it lasted seconds but that spark still hit me. "Go home...I'll be there shortly." He says, his hands now on my shoulders, I look at him with confusion I was about to say something but Jacobs cuts me off by telling me to go.

I nod my head, agreeing, not really in the mood to argue, he smiles at me before embracing me into a tight hug, 'What's going on with him' I thought to myself as he embrace tightens, he leans down pressing his lips against mine once again before pulling away and nudging me to go. 

I smile before running off but I could hide the confused and worry look on my face, I have no idea what's going on with him but there is no point of running back now as I'm already in a carriage and heading back to mine and Jacob's shared house, not knowing what's happening back at the graveyard.


I'm so, so sorry it took so long to publishing this chapter, I also sorry that it is sort, I'll try and make the chapters longer but I hope you enjoy this chapter.

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