Chapter 15

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  Today is the day. The day Jacob and I kill Maxwell Roth. Roth is holding a show at the theatre so this is were he is going to die, I'm not going to lie I'm excited I can finally kill Roth, revenge for him killing Elizabeth. I put my assassin wear on but left my mask off because I am going to wear a different one so I can blend in a little easier. I got one for Jacob too so he won't need to struggle to get in.

I finally arrive to where Jacob and I decide to meet, on the building which is in front of the theatre, I jump down off the roof and landed next to Jacob, Jacob turns to look at me and smiles before looking back to the theatre, the ground is full of people wearing dresses, suits and masks. That reminds me, I unclip the top pf my robe and pulled out two masks. I had one to Jacob before putting my crow mask on. Once Jacob puts his mask on, I pointed towards the entrance of the theatre and explained how we are going to get in.

"We can get through the entrance, the masks are going to help us get in. I don't think anyone will recognise us...well they shouldn't recognise me but you I'm not so sure. The usher can take us it," I smile before I start climbing down the building Jacob following close behind. Jacob was about to walk through the middle where two Blighters stood, I grab and dragged him over to the right side, I notice that there is only one so once we reached him, I slash his throat with my hidden blade, he holds onto his throat trying to control the blood before falling to the floor and passed.

I smirk over to Jacob before joining the group of people who were about to be escorted into the theatre, Jacob and I stayed at the back of the group just in case we had to take anyone out and we did, I quickly pulled two throwing knifes, passing one to Jacob before throwing the knife at one of the Blighters head killing him instantly. I look over to see Jacob had already killed the other one, we both speeded up to the group who is now standing.

"Everybody ready?" The usher asks before she opens the door. "Then let's proceed" Jacob and I walk through the door. As we entered the theatre I see there are a lot of people standing near the door, I'm thankfully I know my way around this place, I nudge Jacob and pointed up telling him to climb, we could have used the stairs but I know there will be Blighters guarding them.

Once we reached the floor, Jacob announces. "There are some Blighters up here, we'll need to take them out," Jacob was about to walk out into the room where the Blighters were, I put my hand out stopping him. "I'll do it, they won' recognise me," I say before I walk into the room and of course they didn't recognise me, one of the Blighters were walking down to the other room where Roth is talking, I quickly murder the Blighter closest to me before sneaking up to the other Blighter and stabbed him in the neck with my blade.

I wave to Jacob, gesturing him to follow before I walk into the room where I could see Roth standing on the stage, we both stand next to each other looking over the place, we look over the place to find out a anyways to kill some Blighters who are dressed up as Roth, I knew we would do something like this, he was trying to confuse us.

I use my eagle vision to look for ways to kill Roth and his decoys. I noticed the waitress could help and the person stuck in the room by the stage, I decide I was going to let him out as Jacob worked on the decoys. I sneak past all the Blighters at the back of the stage, killing one of two who was guarding the door, I quickly used my pick locking tools to unlock the door, I open the door to see the man who I can tell is the machinist, I grab the robe which is keeping the man in his place, I cut the robe with the hidden blade, allowing the man to move. The man thanks me before he goes off to do something.

I climb up one of the wood decoration for the show and to see the machinist lowering the raft just behind the stage. I climb onto the raft waiting for the time to get Roth. After waiting for a few minutes suddenly smoke covered the stage and Roth walks out, removing his mask and laughed.

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